
menu_hook: set_item_init, item_init, set_item_term, item_term, set_menu_init, menu_init, set_menu_term, menu_term -- assign application-specific routines for automatic invocation by menus


cc [flag . . .] file -lmenu -locurses [library . . .]

#include <menu.h>

int set_item_init(MENU *menu, void (*func)(MENU *)); void (*)(MENU *) item_init(MENU *menu); int set_item_term(MENU *menu, void (*func)(MENU *)); void (*)(MENU *) item_term(MENU *menu); int set_menu_init(MENU *menu, void (*func)(MENU *)); void (*)(MENU *) menu_init(MENU *menu); int set_menu_term(MENU *menu, void (*func)(MENU *)); void (*)(MENU *) menu_term(MENU *menu);


set_item_init assigns the application-defined function to be called when the menu is posted and just after the current item changes. item_init returns a pointer to the item initialization routine, if any, called when the menu is posted and just after the current item changes.

set_item_term assigns an application-defined function to be called when the menu is unposted and just before the current item changes. item_term returns a pointer to the termination function, if any, called when the menu is unposted and just before the current item changes.

set_menu_init assigns an application-defined function to be called when the menu is posted and just after the top row changes on a posted menu. menu_init returns a pointer to the menu initialization routine, if any, called when the menu is posted and just after the top row changes on a posted menu.

set_menu_term assigns an application-defined function to be called when the menu is unposted and just before the top row changes on a posted menu. menu_term returns a pointer to the menu termination routine, if any, called when the menu is unposted and just before the top row changes on a posted menu.

<Return> value

Routines that return pointers always return NULL on error. Routines that return an integer return one of the following:

E_OK - The routine returned successfully.
E_SYSTEM_ERROR - System error.

 E_OK             -   The routine returned successfully.
 E_SYSTEM_ERROR   -   System error.


The header file menu.h automatically includes the header files eti.h and ocurses.h.


curses(3ocurses), menus(3ocurses)
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UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 25 April 2004