curs_overlay: overlay, overwrite, copywin --
overlap and manipulate overlapped curses windows
cc [flag . . .] file -locurses [library . . .]
#include <ocurses.h>
int overlay(WINDOW
srcwin, WINDOW
int overwrite(WINDOW
srcwin, WINDOW
int copywin(WINDOW
srcwin, WINDOW
dstwin, int sminrow,
int smincol, int dminrow, int dmincol, int dmaxrow,
int dmaxcol, int overlay);
The overlay and overwrite routines overlay srcwin
on top of dstwin.
scrwin and dstwin are not required to be the same size;
only text where the two windows overlap is copied.
The difference is that overlay is non-destructive (blanks are
not copied) whereas overwrite is destructive.
The copywin routine provides a finer granularity of control over the
overlay and overwrite routines.
Like in the prefresh
routine, a rectangle is specified in the destination window,
(dminrow, dmincol) and (dmaxrow, dmaxcol),
and the upper-left-corner coordinates of the source window,
(sminrow, smincol).
If the argument overlay is true, then copying is non-destructive,
as in overlay.
Return values
Routines that return an integer return ERR upon
failure and an integer value other than ERR
upon successful completion.
The header file ocurses.h automatically includes the header files
stdio.h and unctrl.h.
Note that overlay and overwrite may be macros.
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UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 25 April 2004