
curs_beep: beep, flash -- curses bell and screen flash routines


cc [flag . . .] file -locurses [library . . .]

#include <ocurses.h>

int beep(void); int flash(void);


The beep and flash routines are used to signal the terminal user. The routine beep sounds the audible alarm on the terminal, if possible; if that is not possible, it flashes the screen (visible bell), if that is possible. The routine flash flashes the screen, and if that is not possible, sounds the audible signal. If neither signal is possible, nothing happens. Nearly all terminals have an audible signal (bell or beep), but only some can flash the screen.

Return values

These routines always return OK.




The header file ocurses.h automatically includes the header files stdio.h and unctrl.h.
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UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 25 April 2004