(3ocurses) - SVR4 curses library routines

(3ocurses) - SVR4 curses library routines

Introduction to SVR4 curses, form, menu, and panel library routines

curs_addch: addch, waddch, mvaddch, mvwaddch, echochar, wechochar
add a character (with attributes) to a curses window and advance cursor

curs_addchstr: addchstr, addchnstr, waddchstr, waddchnstr, mvaddchstr, mvaddchnstr, mvwaddchstr, mvwaddchnstr
add string of characters (and attributes) to a curses window

curs_addstr: addstr, addnstr, waddstr, waddnstr, mvaddstr, mvaddnstr, mvwaddstr, mvwaddnstr
add a string of characters to a curses window and advance cursor

curs_addwch: addwch, waddwch, mvaddwch, mvwaddwch, echowchar, wechowchar
add a wchar_t character (with attributes) to a curses window and advance cursor

curs_addwchstr: addwchstr, addwchnstr, waddwchstr, waddwchnstr, mvaddwchstr, mvaddwchnstr, mvwaddwchstr, mvwaddwchnstr
add string of wchar_t characters (and attributes) to a curses window

curs_addwstr: addwstr, addnwstr, waddwstr, waddnwstr, mvaddwstr, mvaddnwstr, mvwaddwstr, mvwaddnwstr
add a string of wchar_t characters to a curses window and advance cursor

curs_attr: attroff, wattroff, attron, wattron, attrset, wattrset, standend, wstandend, standout, wstandout
curses character and window attribute control routines

curs_beep: beep, flash
curses bell and screen flash routines

curs_bkgd: bkgdset, wbkgdset, bkgd, wbkgd
curses window background manipulation routines

curs_border: border, wborder, box, hline, whline, vline, wvline
create curses borders, horizontal and vertical lines

curs_clear: erase, werase, clear, wclear, clrtobot, wclrtobot, clrtoeol, wclrtoeol
clear all or part of a curses window

curs_color: start_color, init_pair, init_color, has_colors, can_change_color, color_content, pair_content
curses color manipulation routines

curs_delch: delch, wdelch, mvdelch, mvwdelch
delete character under cursor in a curses window

curs_deleteln: deleteln, wdeleteln, insdelln, winsdelln, insertln, winsertln
delete and insert lines in a curses window

CRT screen handling and optimization package

curs_getch: getch, wgetch, mvgetch, mvwgetch, ungetch
get (or push back) characters from curses terminal keyboard

curs_getstr: getstr, wgetstr, mvgetstr, mvwgetstr, wgetnstr
get character strings from curses terminal keyboard

curs_getwch: getwch, wgetwch, mvgetwch, mvwgetwch, ungetwch
get (or push back) wchar_t characters from curses terminal keyboard

curs_getwstr: getwstr, getnwstr, wgetwstr, wgetnwstr, mvgetwstr, mvgetnwstr, mvwgetwstr, mvwgetnwstr
get wchar_t character strings from curses terminal keyboard

curs_getyx: getyx, getparyx, getbegyx, getmaxyx
get curses cursor and window coordinates

curs_inch: inch, winch, mvinch, mvwinch
get a character and its attributes from a curses window

curs_inchstr: inchstr, inchnstr, winchstr, winchnstr, mvinchstr, mvinchnstr, mvwinchstr, mvwinchnstr
get a string of characters (and attributes) from a curses window

curs_initscr: initscr, newterm, endwin, isendwin, set_term, delscreen
curses screen initialization and manipulation routines

curs_inopts: cbreak, nocbreak, echo, noecho, halfdelay, intrflush, keypad, meta, nodelay, notimeout, raw, noraw, noqiflush, qiflush, timeout, wtimeout, typeahead
curses terminal input option control routines

curs_insch: insch, winsch, mvinsch, mvwinsch
insert a character before the character under the cursor in a curses window

curs_insstr: insstr, insnstr, winsstr, winsnstr, mvinsstr, mvinsnstr, mvwinsstr, mvwinsnstr
insert string before character under the cursor in a curses window

curs_instr: instr, innstr, winstr, winnstr, mvinstr, mvinnstr, mvwinstr, mvwinnstr
get a string of characters from a curses window

curs_inswch: inswch, winswch, mvinswch, mvwinswch
insert a wchar_t character before the character under the cursor in a curses window

curs_inswstr: inswstr, insnwstr, winswstr, winsnwstr, mvinswstr, mvinsnwstr, mvwinswstr, mvwinsnwstr
insert wchar_t string before character under the cursor in a curses window

curs_inwch: inwch, winwch, mvinwch, mvwinwch
get a wchar_t character and its attributes from a curses window

curs_inwchstr: inwchstr, inwchnstr, winwchstr, winwchnstr, mvinwchstr, mvinwchnstr, mvwinwchstr, mvwinwchnstr
get a string of wchar_t characters (and attributes) from a curses window

curs_inwstr: inwstr, innwstr, winwstr, winnwstr, mvinwstr, mvinnwstr, mvwinwstr, mvwinnwstr
get a string of wchar_t characters from a curses window

curs_kernel: def_prog_mode, def_shell_mode, reset_prog_mode, reset_shell_mode, resetty, savetty, getsyx, setsyx, ripoffline, curs_set, napms
low-level curses routines

curs_move: move, wmove
move curses window cursor

curs_outopts: clearok, idlok, idcok immedok, leaveok, setscrreg, wsetscrreg, scrollok, nl, nonl
curses terminal output option control routines

curs_overlay: overlay, overwrite, copywin
overlap and manipulate overlapped curses windows

curs_pad: newpad, subpad, prefresh, pnoutrefresh, pechochar, pechowchar
create and display curses pads

curs_printw: printw, wprintw, mvprintw, mvwprintw, vwprintw
print formatted output in curses windows

curs_refresh: refresh, wrefresh, wnoutrefresh, doupdate, redrawwin, wredrawln
refresh curses windows and lines

curs_scanw: scanw, wscanw, mvscanw, mvwscanw, vwscanw
convert formatted input from a curses window

curs_scr_dump: scr_dump, scr_restore, scr_init, scr_set
read (write) a curses screen from (to) a file

curs_scroll: scroll, srcl, wscrl
scroll a curses window

curs_slk: slk_init, slk_set, slk_refresh, slk_noutrefresh, slk_label, slk_clear, slk_restore, slk_touch, slk_attron, slk_attrset, slk_attroff
curses soft label routines

curs_termattrs: baudrate, erasechar, has_ic, has_il, killchar, longname, termattrs, termname
curses environment query routines

curs_termcap: tgetent, tgetflag, tgetnum, tgetstr, tgoto, tputs
curses interfaces (emulated) to the termcap library

curs_terminfo: setupterm, setterm, set_curterm, del_curterm, restartterm, tparm, tputs, putp, vidputs, vidattr, mvcur, tigetflag, tigetnum, tigetstr
curses interfaces to terminfo database

curs_touch: touchwin, touchline, untouchwin, wtouchln, is_linetouched, is_wintouched
curses refresh control routines

curs_util: unctrl, keyname, filter, use_env, putwin, getwin, delay_output, draino, flushinp
miscellaneous curses utility routines

curs_window: newwin, delwin, mvwin, subwin, derwin, mvderwin, dupwin, wsyncup, syncok, wcursyncup, wsyncdown
create curses windows

form_cursor: pos_form_cursor
position forms window cursor

form_data: data_ahead, data_behind
tell if forms field has off-screen data ahead or behind

command processor for the forms subsystem

form_field_attributes: set_field_fore, field_fore, set_field_back, field_back, set_field_pad, field_pad
format the general display attributes of forms

form_field_buffer: set_field_buffer, field_buffer, set_field_status, field_status, set_max_field
set and get forms field attributes

form_field_info: field_info, dynamic_field_info
get forms field characteristics

form_field_just: set_field_just, field_just
format the general appearance of forms

form_field_new: new_field, dup_field, link_field, free_field,
create and destroy forms fields

form_field_opts: set_field_opts, field_opts_on, field_opts_off, field_opts
forms field option routines

form_field: set_form_fields, form_fields, field_count, move_field
connect fields to forms

form_fieldtype: new_fieldtype, free_fieldtype, set_fieldtype_arg, set_fieldtype_choice, link_fieldtype
forms fieldtype routines

form_field_userptr: set_field_userptr, field_userptr
associate application data with forms

form_field_validation: set_field_type, field_type, field_arg
forms field data type validation

form_hook: set_form_init, form_init, set_form_term, form_term, set_field_init, field_init, set_field_term, field_term
assign application-specific routines for invocation by forms

form_new: new_form, free_form
create and destroy forms

form_new_page: set_new_page, new_page
forms pagination

form_opts: set_form_opts, form_opts_on, form_opts_off, form_opts
forms option routines

form_page: set_form_page, form_page, set_current_field, current_field, field_index
set forms current page and field

form_post: post_form, unpost_form
write or erase forms from associated subwindows

character based forms package

form_userptr: set_form_userptr, form_userptr
associate application data with forms

form_win: set_form_win, form_win, set_form_sub, form_sub, scale_form
forms window and subwindow association routines

menu_attributes: set_menu_fore, menu_fore, set_menu_back, menu_back, set_menu_grey, menu_grey, set_menu_pad, menu_pad
control menus display attributes

menu_cursor: pos_menu_cursor
correctly position a menus cursor

command processor for the menus subsystem

menu_format: set_menu_format, menu_format
set and get maximum numbers of rows and columns in menus

menu_hook: set_item_init, item_init, set_item_term, item_term, set_menu_init, menu_init, set_menu_term, menu_term
assign application-specific routines for automatic invocation by menus

menu_item_current: set_current_item, current_item, set_top_row, top_row, item_index
set and get current menus items

menu_item_name: item_name, item_description
get menus item name and description

menu_item_new: new_item, free_item
create and destroy menus items

menu_item_opts: set_item_opts, item_opts_on, item_opts_off, item_opts
menus item option routines

menu_items: set_menu_items, menu_items, item_count
connect and disconnect items to and from menus

menu_item_userptr: set_item_userptr, item_userptr
associate application data with menus items

menu_item_value: set_item_value, item_value
set and get menus item values

menu_item_visible: item_visible
tell if menus item is visible

menu_mark: set_menu_mark, menu_mark
menus mark string routines

menu_new: new_menu, free_menu
create and destroy menus

menu_opts: set_menu_opts, menu_opts_on, menu_opts_off, menu_opts
menus option routines

menu_pattern: set_menu_pattern, menu_pattern
set and get menus pattern match buffer

menu_post: post_menu, unpost_menu
write or erase menus from associated subwindows

character based menus package

menu_userptr: set_menu_userptr, menu_userptr
associate application data with menus

menu_win: set_menu_win, menu_win, set_menu_sub, menu_sub, scale_menu
menus window and subwindow association routines

panel_above: panel_above, panel_below
panels deck traversal primitives

panel_move: move_panel
move a panels window on the virtual screen

panel_new: new_panel, del_panel
create and destroy panels

character based panels package

panel_show: show_panel, hide_panel, panel_hidden
panels deck manipulation routines

panel_top: top_panel, bottom_panel
panels deck manipulation routines

panel_update: update_panels
panels virtual screen refresh routine

panel_userptr: set_panel_userptr, panel_userptr
associate application data with a panels panel

panel_window: panel_window, replace_panel
get or set the current window of a panels panel

TAM transition libraries

© 2004 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 25 April 2004