
mas_init -- initialize metric access support for provider use


   cc [options] file -lmas

#include <fcntl.h> #include <mas.h> int mas_init(uint32 mode, char *mas_fn, uint32 nsegmnts, char **met_fn, caddr_t *metaddr, uint32 *metsz, uint32 *metoff, char *mrt_fn, char *meta_fn, char *str_fn);


The function mas_init initializes metric access support (MAS) for use by a provider so that metrics may be registered.

The first two arguments are the name and permissions of the registration file, mas_fn and mode. In the future, mas_init may be expanded to include the ability to re-open an existing metric registration file and register additional metrics, but for now, the metric registration file, mas_fn, must not exist prior to calling mas_init. The file mas_fn is not created until mas_put is called.

The next five arguments specify metric segment information. A metric segment is a set of contiguous pages in memory that contain metrics. Most provider applications will want to control the addresses of their metrics, and hence will pre-allocate their own metric segments. If a metric segment is set correspond to a memory mapped file, then the metrics can be updated (and accessed by consumer applications) in real time. The following arguments allow providers to identify their metric segments. nsegmnts specifies the number of metric segments to be registered. met_fn points to a list of metric segment file names. metaddr points to a list of addresses where the metric segments reside in the caller. metsz points to a list of sizes of the metric segments. metoff points to a list of offsets of the metric segments within their respective files.

The last three arguments to mas_init are optional file names for dynamic metric registration, the ability to add metrics to a registration file that is already in use. Provider applications that do not need dynamic metric registration should request static metric registration by setting these arguments to NULL, which places the data areas associated with these arguments within the metric registration header file, mas_fn. Provider applications using static metric registration should not register any additional metrics after calling mas_put.

Dynamic registration is supported from the time the metric registration files are created until the time the caller exits. Currently, only the addition of new metrics is supported, there is no provision for unregistering metrics, and there is no facility for notification of active consumer applications that the registration information has been updated.

Because consumer applications will either read or privately memory map the registration data, they will see a static view of the registration file as of the time it was opened with mas_open, and they will not be able to determine the registration information has changed. However, in the future, dynamic metric registration may be expanded to notify consumer applications of updates to the metric registration information, and to offer support of shared memory mapping of the registration data between provider and consumer applications.

To allow for this expansion, dynamic metric registration requires separate file names for the metric registration table, metadata, and strings table, since these data areas increase in size as new metrics are registered. These file names are specified in mrt_fn, meta_fn, and str_fn, respectively.

For the present, dynamic registration will work with these arguments set to NULL, and their associated data areas residing in the MAS header file, but to guarantee applications will work with future releases of MAS, providers must specify separate file name for these arguments.

Until a notification facility is supported, consumer applications interested in gathering new metrics as they become available must check to see if the registration file has changed since they last opened it with mas_open. To obtain the updated registration information, consumer applications should reopen the registration files with mas_open. Metric providers can assist consumers in determining a change has occurred in the registration information by registering and maintaining a metric that is set to the time of the last call to mas_put.

For simple user level provider applications that do not need memory mapped access to update metrics, do not care to pre-allocate a metric segment, and do not need dynamic metric registration, mas_init internally allocates a static metric segment. The internal segment is specified by setting the metric segment address, size and offset (metaddr, metsz and metoff) all to 0. Only one internal segment is allowed. The location of metrics within the internal segment are assigned during registration and are returned by mas_register_met. mas_init allocates MAS_MAX_METRICS bytes of space for the internal metric segment, however only the portion of the metric segment that is actually in use is written to the MAS header file. MAS_MAX_METRICS is currently set to 128K. If a NULL file name is specified for the internally allocated segment in the met_fn list, the segment is placed within the MAS header file. Otherwise it is written to the file named in the met_fn list. When using the internal metric segment, metrics must be updated with the mas_write_mets call. If the internal segment is set to reside in the MAS header file, mas_fn, dynamic metric registration should not be used, and mas_put should not be called more than once.

Return values

On success, mas_init returns 0.

On failure mas_init returns -1 and sets mas_errno to identify the error.


MAS_USAGE - mas already initialized
mas_init was called more than once.

MAS_INVALIDARG - NULL mas file name
mas_init was called with a NULL mas_fn.

MAS_INVALIDARG - need at least one metric segment
mas_init was called with nsegmnts set to 0.

MAS_INVALIDARG - metric address given with no file name
mas_init was called with a non-zero address in metaddr and a corresponding NULL metric segment filename in met_fn.

MAS_INVALIDARG - metric address given with no size
mas_init was called with a non-zero address in metaddr and a corresponding metric segment size of 0 in metsz.

MAS_INVALIDARG - multiple non-preallocated segments found
mas_init was called requesting more than one internally allocated segment. (More than one NULL address was found in the metaddr list.)

MAS_NOFILEACCESS - mas file already exists
The MAS file, mas_fn, already exists.

MAS_SYSERR - cannot malloc space for strings
The malloc library call failed.

MAS_SYSERR - cannot malloc space for metadata
The malloc library call failed.

MAS_SYSERR - cannot malloc space for metric segment pointers
The malloc library call failed.

MAS_SYSERR - cannot malloc space for segment structs
The malloc library call failed.

MAS_SYSERR - can't allocate metric space
The malloc library call failed.

MAS_SYSERR - cannot malloc space for file name
The malloc library call failed.

MAS_SYSERR - can't malloc table
The malloc library call failed.


© 2004 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 25 April 2004