
Intro -- EELS generic logging library routines


The Enhanced Event Logging System (EELS) supplies two programming interfaces for the committing of records to an event database. The first of these, the Distributed Audit Service (XDAS) implements a four stage record committal:

  1. allocate a record

  2. populate the record with data

  3. timestamp the record

  4. commit the record to the database
These functions are described in the Section 3xdas manual pages in Section 3xdas manual pages.

For applications requiring a ``generic'' logging interface for error conditions or debug information, for example, this four-stage process may impose unacceptable overheads. Accordingly, the generic logging API is supplied for systems requiring a single-stage event record committal, similar to the process used by syslog or cmn_err.

The generic logging API consists of the following functions:

eels_initialise(3eels) Initialize an event logging session.
eels_log(3eels) Log a message.
eels_terminate(3eels) Close an event logging session.

 eels_initialise(3eels)   Initialize an event logging session.
 eels_log(3eels)          Log a message.
 eels_terminate(3eels)    Close an event logging session.
The session descriptor returned by eels_initialise can be used by the XDAS functions as well as by the other generic logging functions.

The XDAS API also supports a generic logging capability. For details of this, including a list of the supported generic logging events, see Intro(3xdas).


eels_initialise(3eels), eels_log(3eels), eels_terminate(3eels), Intro(3xdas)

Standards compliance

These library functions are not a part of any currently supported standard; they are an extension of AT&T System V provided by The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc.
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UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 25 April 2004