
dshm_control -- dynamically mapped shared memory control operations


   #include <dshm.h>

int dshm_control(int dshmid, int cmd, ... /* struct dshmid_ds *buf */);


dshm_control provides a variety of dynamically mapped shared memory control operations as specified by cmd. The following cmds are available:

Returns information about the segment in the following members of the structure pointed to by buf.

struct ipc_perm dshm_perm operation permission structure
pid_t dshm_lpid pid of the last dshm_attach or dshm_detach caller
pid_t dshm_cpid pid of the creator
unsigned long dshm_nattach number of current attaches
time_t dshm_atime time of last dshm_attach call
time_t dshm_dtime time of last dshm_detach call
time_t dshm_ctime time of last change by dshm_control
const void* dshm_mapaddr starting logical address for map
size_t dshm_mapsize map size in bytes
size_t dshm_bufsize individual buffer size in bytes
unsigned long dshm_abufcnt number of application buffers in object (specified by buffer_count at dshm_get creation time)
unsigned long dshm_tbufcnt total number of buffers in object (dshm_abufcnt plus library administrative overhead)

 struct ipc_perm   dshm_perm      operation
 pid_t             dshm_lpid      pid of the last
                                  dshm_attach or
                                  dshm_detach caller
 pid_t             dshm_cpid      pid of the creator
 unsigned long     dshm_nattach   number of current
 time_t            dshm_atime     time of last
                                  dshm_attach call
 time_t            dshm_dtime     time of last
                                  dshm_detach call
 time_t            dshm_ctime     time of last change
                                  by dshm_control
 const void*       dshm_mapaddr   starting logical
                                  address for map
 size_t            dshm_mapsize   map size in bytes
 size_t            dshm_bufsize   individual buffer
                                  size in bytes
 unsigned long     dshm_abufcnt   number of
                                  application buffers
                                  in object
                                  (specified by
                                  buffer_count at
                                  dshm_get creation
 unsigned long     dshm_tbufcnt   total number of
                                  buffers in object
                                  (dshm_abufcnt plus

Set the value of the following members of the data structure associated with dshmid to the corresponding value found in the structure pointed to by buf:
   dshm_perm.mode /* only access permission bits */

This command can be executed only by a process that has an effective user id equal to the value of dshm_perm.cuid or dshm_perm.uid in the data structure associated with dshmid, or by a process that has the P_OWNER privilege.

Remove the dynamically mapped shared memory identifier specified by dshmid from the system and destroy the dynamically mapped shared memory segment and data structure associated with it. This command can be executed only by a process that has an effective user id equal to the value of dshm_perm.cuid or dshm_perm.uid in the data structure associated with dshmid, or by a process that has the P_OWNER privilege.

Return values

On success, dshm_control returns 0.

On failure, dshm_control returns -1 and sets errno to identify the error.


In the following conditions, dshm_control fails and sets errno to:

cmd is equal to IPC_STAT and {READ} operation permission is denied to the calling process.

dshmid is not a valid shared memory identifier.

cmd is not a valid command.

cmd is IPC_SET and dshm_perm.uid or dshm_perm.gid is not valid.

cmd is DSHM_SETPLACE and one or more of the values in dshmid_ds is incorrect.

cmd is IPC_STAT and uid or gid is too large to be stored in the structure pointed to by buf.

cmd is equal to IPC_RMID or IPC_SET and the effective user is not equal to the value of dshm_perm.cuid or shm_perm.uid in the data structure associated with dshmid and the process does not have the P_OWNER privilege.

cmd is equal to DSHM_SETPLACE and the effective user is not equal to the value of dshm_perm.cuid or dshm_perm.uid in the data structure associated with dshmid and the process does not have the P_OWNER privilege.

cmd is DSHM_SETPLACE and the call failed due to resource constraints within the kernel.

cmd is DSHM_SETPLACE and the system does not support the requested placement style.

buf points to an illegal address.


The user must explicitly remove dynamically mapped shared memory segments after the last reference to them has been removed.


dshm_alignment(3dshm), dshm_attach(3dshm), dshm_bufindex(3dshm), dshm_detach(3dshm), dshm_get(3dshm), dshm_map(3dshm), dshm_minmapsize(3dshm), dshm_reattach(3dshm), dshm_unmap(3dshm), dshm_updatetlb(3dshm)
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UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 25 April 2004