
DmiGetDefaultMemDsc -- return the last set default memory management descriptor


#include <dmi2mem.h>

DmiMemDsc_t DMI_API DmiGetDefaultMemDsc ( DmiErrorStatus_t * status );


DmiGetDefaultMemDsc returns the last set default memory management descriptor. The descriptor returned by this function is a global per-process variable. Initially, the standard system descriptor is set as the default.


(Output) NULL, or a pointer to an address in memory where the DmiErrorStatus_t code is returned. If the status pointer is NULL, the error status is not returned. The possible error codes are:



For a description of return values, see ``DMI error codes'' in Desktop Management Interface programming.

Return values

When successful, this function returns the default memory model descriptor. Otherwise, it returns NULL.


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UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 25 April 2004