
DmiAlloc -- allocate a memory block


#include <dmi2mem.h>

void * DMI_API DmiAlloc ( size_t size, DmiMemDsc_t memDsc, DmiErrorStatus_t * status);


DmiAlloc allocates a size-byte memory block in the memory model specified by memDsc. When successful, it returns a pointer to the allocated block. Otherwise, it returns NULL and calls the failure handler defined in memDsc.


(Input) Memory block size in octets.

(Input) Memory model descriptor. If memDsc is NULL, the default memory model is used.

(Output) Pointer to an address in memory where the DmiErrorStatus_t code is returned or NULL. If the status pointer is NULL then the error status is not returned.

Return values

This function returns the pointer to the allocated block or NULL in case of failure.


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UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 25 April 2004