
dbListDatabases -- get the list of databases in use by EELS


cc [flag ...] file ... -kthread -leels [library] ...
#include <eelsdba.h>

DBResult *dbListDatabases();


dbListDatabases returns the list of databases that currently exist in the RDBMS used by EELS. This call is equivalent to using dbQuery(3dba) to submit the SQL query "SELECT * FROM EELS_Admin WHERE TableName IS NULL".

The database list can be retrieved by making subsequent calls to dbGetNextRow(3dba).

NOTE: When the application has finished using the pointer returned by this routine, it should call dbFreeResult(3dba) to free the memory associated with the DBResult structure.



Return values

If successful, dbListDatabases returns a pointer to a DBResult structure which contains a list of the databases that are currently in use by EELS. Otherwise, it returns NULL.


An application can call dbGetError(3dba) to obtain the error message returned from the database.


dbFreeResult(3dba), dbGetError(3dba), dbGetNextRow(3dba), dbQuery(3dba), Intro(3dba)

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UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 25 April 2004