
dbAddUserPriv -- grant a user access to all EELS databases


cc [flag ...] file ... -kthread -leels [library] ...
#include <eelsdba.h>

int dbAddUserPriv( char *host, char *user, char *passwd, unsigned int privs );


dbAddUserPriv grants a user access to all EELS databases. If a any user has been granted privileges to a database using dbAddDbPriv(3dba) then privileges granted using this routine to not apply to that database. That is, privileges granted on a per database basis using dbAddDbPriv override privileges added using dbAddUsePriv.

When a application connects to a database using dbConnect(3dba) the username is sent to the database server for authentication. In the case of mySQL this is the login user name. If a user logs into a machine and uses su(1M) to log in as another user, the username that the user used to login will be sent to the database server. So this should be kept in mind when diagnosing problems with database privileges.

A user can be granted a number of privileges to the EELS databases. Privileges are passed to this routine in the form of a bitmask. The bitmask is made up by OR'ing together one or more of the privilege bits defined in the table below.

User privilege bitmask values

Value Description
DB_SELECT_PRIV Allow records to be read from a database
DB_INSERT_PRIV Allow records to be written to a database
DB_UPDATE_PRIV Allow records to be modified in a database.
DB_DELETE_PRIV Allow records to be deleted from a database
DB_CREATE_PRIV Allow tables to be created in a database
DB_DROP_PRIV Allow tables to be dropped from a database

 |Value          | Description                                 |
 |DB_SELECT_PRIV | Allow records to be read from a database    |
 |DB_INSERT_PRIV | Allow records to be written to a database   |
 |DB_UPDATE_PRIV | Allow records to be modified in a database. |
 |DB_DELETE_PRIV | Allow records to be deleted from a database |
 |DB_CREATE_PRIV | Allow tables to be created in a database    |
 |DB_DROP_PRIV   | Allow tables to be dropped from a database  |
If a user is going to be given privileges to add and delete tables from a database (that is, DB_CREATE_PRIV and DB_DROP_PRIV), then the user also needs to be granted access to the EELS administrative database. This can be done by using dbAddDbPriv to grant the user access to the EELS_Admin database. For example, to grant user ``foo'' access to the EELS_Admin database call dbAddDbPriv as follows:
This enables user ``foo'' to select, insert, and delete records from the EELS_Admin databases. This is necessary because routines such as dbCreateDatabase(3dba) and dbCreateTable(3dba) modify the EELS_Admin database.

The word ``any'' is used as a wildcard, and can be specified in the user or host fields.


(Input) IP/Hostname from which the user is connecting to the database

(Input) The name of the user that is being granted database privileges.

(Input) Not currently used, and should be NULL

(Input) Bitmask defining privileges granted to the user.

Return values

dbAddUserPriv returns 0 if successful. Otherwise, it returns -1.


dbAddDbPriv(3dba), dbConnect(3dba), dbCreateDatabase(3dba), dbCreateTable(3dba), Intro(3dba)

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UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 25 April 2004