
maillock -- manage lockfile for user's mailbox


   cc [flag . . . ] file . . . -lmail [library] . . .

#include <maillock.h>

int maillock (const char *user, int retrycnt);

int maildlock (const char *user, int retrycnt, const char *dir);

int mailunlock (void);


The maillock and maildlock functions attempt to create a lockfile for the user's mailfile. If a lockfile already exists, maillock and maildlock assume the contents of the file is the process ID (as a null-terminated ASCII string) of the process that created the lockfile (presumably with a call to maillock or maildlock). If the process that created the lockfile is still alive, maillock and maildlock will sleep and try again retrycnt times before returning with an error indication. The sleep algorithm is to sleep for 5 seconds times the attempt number. That is, the first sleep will be for 5 seconds, the next sleep will be for 10 seconds, etc. until the number of attempts reaches retrycnt. When the lockfile is no longer needed, it should be removed by calling mailunlock.

user is the login name of the user for whose mailbox the lockfile will be created. maillock assumes that users' mailfiles are in the ``standard'' place as defined in maillock.h. maildlock uses the directory passed as its third argument.



Return values

The following return code definitions are contained in maillock.h. Only L_SUCCESS is returned for mailunlock.

#define L_SUCCESS 0 /* Lockfile created or removed */
#define L_NAMELEN 1 /* Recipient name > 13 chars */
#define L_TMPLOCK 2 /* Can't create tmp file */
#define L_TMPWRITE 3 /* Can't write pid into lockfile */
#define L_MAXTRYS 4 /* Failed after retrycnt attempts */
#define L_ERROR 5 /* Check errno for reason */

 #define   L_SUCCESS    0   /* Lockfile created or removed */
 #define   L_NAMELEN    1   /* Recipient name > 13 chars */
 #define   L_TMPLOCK    2   /* Can't create tmp file */
 #define   L_TMPWRITE   3   /* Can't write pid into lockfile */
 #define   L_MAXTRYS    4   /* Failed after retrycnt attempts */
 #define   L_ERROR      5   /* Check errno for reason */


The maillock routines are obsolete and are provided for compatibility only.

mailunlock will only remove the lockfile created from the most previous call to maillock. Calling maillock for different users without intervening calls to mailunlock will cause the initially created lockfile(s) to remain, potentially blocking subsequent message delivery until the current process finally terminates.

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UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 25 April 2004