
putc, putc_unlocked, putchar, putchar_unlocked, fputc, putw -- put character or word on a stream


   #include <stdio.h>

int putc(int c, FILE *stream);

int putc_unlocked(int c, FILE *stream);

int putchar(int c);

int putchar_unlocked(int c);

int fputc(int c, FILE *stream);

int putw(int w, FILE *stream);


putc and putc_unlocked write c (converted to an unsigned char) onto the output stream (see intro(3)) at the position where the file pointer (if defined) is pointing, and advances the file pointer appropriately. If the file cannot support positioning requests, or stream was opened with append mode, the character is appended to the output stream. putchar(c) is defined as putc(c, stdout).

putc_unlocked and putchar_unlocked provide unsynchronized character I/O that require explicit synchronization around their use when multiple threads are performing I/O. These two are defined as macros when -REENTRANT is defined. putchar_unlocked is defined as putc_unlocked(c, stdout). They may be used safely in a multi-threaded application if and only if they are called while the calling thread has exclusive access to stream for putc_unlocked and stdout for putchar_unlocked. Exclusive access is granted using the lockfile or ftrylockfile functions.

fputc behaves like putc, but is a function rather than a macro. fputc runs more slowly than putc, but it takes less space per invocation and its name can be passed as an argument to a function.

putw writes the word (that is, integer) w to the output stream (where the file pointer, if defined, is pointing). The size of a word is the size of an integer and varies from machine to machine. putw neither assumes nor causes special alignment in the file.


On success, these functions (with the exception of putw) each return the value they have written. putw returns ferror (stream). Otherwise, these functions return the constant EOF and set errno to indicate the error. If a write error occurs, the error indicator for the stream is also set. This result will occur, for example, if the file stream is not open for writing or if the output file cannot grow.

If either the stream is unbuffered or the stream's buffer needed to be flushed, and an attempt was made to write at or beyond the offset maximum, the functions putc, putchar, fputc, and putw fail.


abort(3C), exit(2), fclose(3S), ferror(3S), fopen(3S), fprintf(3S), fread(3S), ftrylockfile(3S), flockfile(3S), intro(3), Intro(3S), lseek(2), puts(3S), setbuf(3S), write(2)


Because it is implemented as a macro, putc evaluates a stream argument more than once. In particular, putc(c, *f++); doesn't work sensibly. fputc should be used instead.

Because of possible differences in word length and byte ordering, files written using putw are machine-dependent, and may not be read using getw on a different processor.

Functions exist for all the above defined macros. To get the function form, the macro name must be undefined (for example, #undef putc).

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UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 25 April 2004