
mkdirp, rmdirp -- create, remove directories in a path


   cc [flag . . . ] file . . . -lgen [library] . . .

#include <libgen.h>

int mkdirp (const char *path, mode_t mode);

int rmdirp (char *d, char *d1);


mkdirp creates all the missing directories in the given path with the given mode. (See chmod(2) for the values of mode.) The protection part of the mode argument is modified by the process's file creation mask (see umask(2)).

rmdirp removes directories in path d. This removal starts at the end of the path and moves back toward the root as far as possible. If an error occurs, the remaining path is stored in d1. rmdirp returns a 0 only if it is able to remove every directory in the path.

Return values

If a needed directory cannot be created, mkdirp returns -1 and sets errno to one of the mkdir error numbers. If all the directories are created, or existed to begin with, it returns zero.


mkdir(2), rmdir(2), umask(2)


mkdirp uses malloc(3C) to allocate temporary space for the string.

rmdirp returns -2 if a . or .. is in the path and -3 if an attempt is made to remove the current directory. If an error occurs other than one of the above, -1 is returned.


   /* create scratch directories */
   if(mkdirp("/tmp/sub1/sub2/sub3", 0755) == -1) {
   	fprintf(stderr, "cannot create directory");
   /* cleanup */

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UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 25 April 2004