
sort -- sort an array in place


   template <class T>
   void sort(T* b,T* e);
   template <class T>
   void sort_r(int (*rel)(const T*,const T*),T* b,T* e);
   template <class T>
   void sort_rs(int (*rel)(const T*,const T*),T* b,T* e);
   template <class T>
   void sort_s(T* b,T* e);


(1) For the non-relational versions, T::operator< defines a total ordering relation on T.

(2) For the relational version, rel defines a total ordering relation on T.

(3) T has operator=.


These functions sort an array in place.

   template <class T>
   void sort(T* b,T* e);

Uses T::operator< to define the ordering relation used by the sorting algorithm sort is not stable; that is, it does not preserve the relative order of equal elements.

   template <class T>
   void sort_r(int (*rel)(const T*,const T*),T* b,T* e);

Uses rel to define the ordering relation used by the sorting algorithm.

   template <class T>
   void sort_rs(int (*rel)(const T*,const T*),T* b,T* e);

Like sort_r except that it uses a stable algorithm. That is, the relative order of equal elements is preserved.

   template <class T>
   void sort_s(T* b,T* e);

Like sort except that it uses a stable algorithm. That is, the relative order of equal elements is preserved.


If N is the size of the array, then complexity is O(NlgN) on average. Complexity is O(N*N) in the worst case, which is highly improbable.


The non-stable versions use drand48(3C) to obtain pseudo-random numbers.

Because a Block (see Block(3C++)) can always be used wherever an array is called for, Array Algorithms can also be used with Blocks. In fact, these two components were actually designed to be used together.



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