
fs -- C++ symbolic freestore manager


   #include <fs.h>

extern "C" { void fs_showall(); void fs_mark(); void fs_unmark(); void fs_since(); void fs_sincen(int i); void fs_watch(int i); void fs_unwatch(int i); void fs_watchall_d(); void fs_unwatchall_d(); void fs_watchall_n(); void fs_unwatchall_n(); void fs_break(); void fs_status(); void fs_dbxinit(); void fs_debugrc(); void fs_help(); }


These routines let the programmer view the contents of the freestore symbolically during execution of a C++ program. They are normally called "by hand" by the programmer from within a debugger, but since they are linked in as part of the application code, they can also be called from the program itself.

In order to maximize the quality and accuracy of the symbolic information provided, as many of the program source files as possible should be compiled with -f (see CC(1C++).) In order to use any of the above functions, programmers should link their program with -lfs.

Symbolic information

For each object in the freestore (that is, for each object created by a new operation including the array new, nothrow new, and placement new variants), fs keeps track of the object's type and size, the source code line on which it was newed, its main memory address, and miscellaneous other information. Each freestore object is also given a unique identifying number. Calling the function fs_showall from somewhere within the current context (that is, from within a debugger or from the program itself) results in the information for all objects currently in the freestore being printed on stderr.

fs lets the programmer set a "watchpoint" on any object in the freestore. When (if ever) a watched object is about to be deleted, the function fs_break is called. Executing the function fs_break has no effect (its body is empty); a call to fs_break should be thought of as fs "requesting" that program execution break at the current point. If the programmer is debugging the program under a debugger, she should have previously set a breakpoint on fs_break in order that fs's requests be satisfied.

The entire freestore can also be watched. Setting a "delete watch" results in fs_break being called when any object is about to be deleted, while setting a "new watch" results in fs_break being called when any object is about to be created.

The complete set of freestore functions is as follows:

void fs_showall(); Shows information for all objects currently in the freestore.

void fs_mark(); Lays down a mark at the current time.

void fs_unmark(); Deletes the last mark.

void fs_since(); Shows information for all objects created since the last mark.

void fs_sincen(int i); Shows information for all objects created since object number i.

void fs_watch(int i); Sets a watch on object number i.

void fs_unwatch(int i); Deletes the watch on object number i.

void fs_watchall_d(); Watches the freestore for any delete operation.

void fs_unwatchall_d(); Stops watching the freestore for delete operations.

void fs_watchall_n(); Watches the freestore for any new operation.

void fs_unwatchall_n(); Stops watching the freestore for new operations.

void fs_break(); Function with empty body, called whenever freestore wants to break execution.

void fs_status(); Shows the current settings of marks and watches.

void.fs_debugrc(); Prints a .debugrc file which incorporates fs's functionality into UnixWare's debug(1).

void fs_help(); Prints this list.


CC(1C++), debug(1)


fsipp the instrumenting preprocessor

libfs.a the library archive

fs.h C++ prototypes of freestore functions


The "alert" modifier on object descriptions means that the object was allocated by a global new operator and is either in the process of being initialized, or is initialized but the line containing the call to new was not compiled with -f.

Programmers should always remember to set a breakpoint on the dummy function fs_break immediately upon loading any program linked with fs into the debugger.

Watches and marks are lost when a program is reloaded into the debugger.

fs renames all the programmer's new and delete operators to _new and _delete, respectively. If the programmer wishes to set a breakpoint on the definitions of any of these functions, she should use the latter names. Also, because of this renaming, if the debugger is currently stopped at the opening curly of a new or delete operator, the programmer will have to issue a "step into" command (rather than a "step over" command) in order to advance execution to the first line of the function body. Finally, if the debugger is currently stopped at the closing curly of a new or delete operator, the programmer may have to issue anywhere from one to three extra "step" commands in order to effect a return back to the caller.

The instrumenting preprocessor does not detect all syntax errors. If the programmer attempts to run syntactically invalid code through the instrumenting preprocessor, the latter may silently generate invalid C++ code. When this latter code is subsequently run through the C++ translator, the resulting error messages may be obscure.

If not all the code comprising a program was compiled with -f, then fs may be missing certain symbolic information at runtime. Missing information is denoted by a question mark (?); in particular, "T[?]" denotes "array of T of unknown size." The "T" itself will also be a question mark if the type of the array elements is unknown.

fs does its best to hide from the programmer those objects which are created by fs itself rather than by the application code, but it's not perfect.

In "new type-expression", type-expression should have no side effects. If it does have side effects (for example, new T<++i>), this will not be detected, and the generated code will have incorrect behavior.


Source files compiled with -f may generate some spurious "fsATTLCn not used" warnings.

fs learns about the creation of an object only after the object's memory has been allocated. Further, fs learns the type of an object only after the call to new which created it has returned. The exception to this is when the new used is a class (rather than global) operator; in that case, the object's type will temporarily be recorded as the name of the class defining the invoked new (which is either the actual type of the object, or an ancestor of the actual type). When the original call to new returns, fs will learn the object's actual type (unless the use of new was not compiled with -fs).

In "delete expression", expression must be a simple variable name. (The workaround is to use a temporary variable.)

In "new type-expression", type-expression cannot be a complicated type expression. (The workaround is to use a typedef.)

If neither the use nor the corresponding definition of a new/ delete operator has been instrumented, fs will not detect the creation/deletion of any objects created/deleted by that use of the operator. This can result in fs_showall displaying information for objects which no longer exist.

Setting a watchpoint on an object (using fs_watch()) that does not yet exist will not cause fs_break to be called when the object is about to be created. Use fs_watch_n() instead.

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UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 25 April 2004