
Path -- UNIX path names


   #include <Path.h>
   namespace SCO_SC {

class Path{ public: // Enumerations enum completion{ no_completion=0, unique_completion, several_completions }; // Objections static Objection no_wd; // Constructors Path(); Path(const char* s); Path(const String& s); Path(const List<Path>& p); Path(const char* dirs,const char* base); Path(const char* dirs,const char* base, const char* ext); // Copy and assign Path(const Path& p); Path& operator=(const Path& p); // Conversion to and from strings operator const char*()const; operator String()const; // Length int length()const; int ncomponents()const; // Component manipulators Path dirname()const; String basename()const; String basename(const char* suffix)const; void explode(List<Path>& ret)const; // Concatenation friend Path operator/(const Path& s,const Path& t); Path& operator/=(const Path& p); // Absolute and relative versions of Paths int is_absolute()const; int is_relative()const; Path absolute_version()const; Path relative_version()const; Path relative_version( const Path& with_respect_to)const; // Wildcard and tilde expansion void expand_wildcards(List<Path>& ret)const; int expand_tilde(); // File name completion completion complete(String& s)const; // Comparison friend int operator==(const Path& p,const Path& q); friend int operator!=(const Path& p,const Path& q); friend int componentwise_prefix(const Path & p, const Path & q); // Stream insertion and extraction friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& os,const Path& p); friend istream& operator>>(istream& is,Path& p); // Miscellaneous int is_wd()const; int truncate_components(int maxlen); }; }


A Path represents a UNIX path name, that is, a sequence of slash-separated components. The components in "foo/bar" are "foo" and "bar"; in "/foo/bar" are "/", "foo", and "bar"; and in "../foo/bar" are "..", "foo", and "bar". Further, the path "/" consists of the single component "/", and the path "." has no components.

The facilities of Path(3C++) contain most of the functionality users need when manipulating UNIX path names and UNIX search paths. Functionality includes: automatic path canonicalization, path relativization, wildcard expansion, path completion, and searching in search paths. Path(3C++) also contains a replacement for the assorted temporary path name construction facilities of mktemp(3), tempnam(3), and tmpnam(3). Finally, Path(3C++) provides an interface to the Korn shell test(1) predicate that works regardless of whether the user is running the Korn shell.

There are four manual entries:

Path(3C++) Introduces the Path component and describes class Path3C++. UNIX path names. Automatic canonicalization, path relativization, wildcard expansion, path completion.

Search_path(3C++) Constructing and searching in UNIX search paths.

Tmppath(3C++) A replacement for mktemp(3), tempnam(3), and tmpnam(3).

ksh_test(3C++) Interface to the Korn shell test(1) predicate. Works regardless of whether or not the user is running ksh(1).

A Path need not correspond to an actual file in the underlying file system: it merely represents a possible file; it is up to the user to arrange (if so desired) that the file and all directories leading up to it exist.

Paths are always kept in canonical form. In canonical form, "." components are stripped (except for the path "." itself, which is the relative path representing the current working directory), ".." components are collapsed where possible (i.e., other than in an initial ".." series in a relative path), multiple consecutive '/'s are reduced to a single '/', and trailing '/'s are removed. Thus, for example, the following code fragment

           Path p("../x//a");
           p /= "../b/";
           cout << p;

will print out ../x/b.

Where it makes sense to do so, the behavior of Path functions matches that of the Korn shell (see ksh(1)). Notice that the user need not be running ksh(1) in order for this to occur; in particular, even if the user is running another shell, the behavior of the Path library will still match ksh(1).


enum completion{





Return value of complete(). The completion of a Path is defined the same as in ksh(1). That is, the completion of a Path P is the longest common prefix of the Paths in the set resulting from an expansion of the Path P*, where P* is the Path formed by concatenating (with no intervening "/") the "*" wildcard onto the end of P. The value no_completion means the resulting set was empty, unique_completion means the set had a singleton element (which is therefore the completion), and several_completions means the set had more than one element.


static Objection no_wd; Indicates a return value of 0 from getwd(3C). The default action is to abort with an error message. The recovery action in every place this Objection is raised is to use "/" as the working directory.


Path(); Equivalent to Path(".").

Path(const char* s);

Path(const String& s); The Path represented by s.

Path(const List<Path>& p); The Path represented by the given list of components.

Path(const char* dirs,const char* base); The Path constructed by first appending a trailing slash onto dirs if dirs does not already have a trailing slash, then concatenating base onto the result.

Path(const char* dirs,const char* base,const char* ext); The Path constructed by first appending a trailing slash onto dirs if dirs does not already have a trailing slash, then concatenating base and ext onto the result.

Copy and assign

Path(const Path& p);

Path& operator=(const Path& p); Paths have value semantics. That is, copying or assigning a Path creates a copy of its value.

Conversion to and from strings

operator const char*()const;

operator String()const; Conversions to character pointers and Strings.


int length()const; Returns the number of characters in the path.

int ncomponents()const; Returns the number of components in the path.

Component manipulators

Path dirname()const; Equivalent to dirname(3G).

String basename()const;

String basename(const char* suffix)const; Equivalent to basename(1). Notice that this function returns a String and not a Path, since a basename can be the empty string, whereas a Path must contain at least one character.

void explode(List<Path>& ret)const; Sets ret to the list whose elements are the individual components of the Path. Notice that if the Path is absolute, the first element of the list will be "/", and if the Path is ".", the list will be empty. The current position of ret is at the beginning of the List.


friend Path operator/(const Path& s,const Path& t);" Returns Path(String(s) + '/' + String(t)).

Path& operator/=(const Path& p); Assignment version of above.

Absolute and relative versions of Paths

int is_absolute()const;

int is_relative()const; Returns true or false, depending on whether the Path is absolute (starts with a slash) or relative (does not start with a slash).

Path absolute_version()const; If the Path is relative, returns the absolute version of it with respect to the current working directory, raising no_wd if necessary. If the Path is absolute, simply returns it unchanged.

Path relative_version()const; Returns the relative version of the Path with respect to the current working directory, raising no_wd if necessary.

Path relative_version(const Path& with_respect_to)const; Similar to the above, but uses with_respect_to rather than the current working directory as the directory with respect to which the Path is made relative. If with_respect_to is itself relative, it is first interpreted with respect to the current working directory, raising no_wd if necessary.

Wildcard and tilde expansion

void expand_wildcards(List<Path>& ret)const; Sets ret to the list whose elements are the Paths representing those files in the underlying file system which match the given Path according to the ksh(1) pattern matching rules.

int expand_tilde(); If the first (or only) component of the Path is "~", then replaces that component with the current value of $HOME, and returns 1; if HOME is not set, then returns 0 without affecting the Path. If the first (or only) component of the Path is of the form "~name", then replaces that component with the login directory for user "name" (as found in getpwnam(name)->pw_dir; see getpwnam(3C)), and returns 1; if there is no password entry for "name" (getpwnam returns 0), then returns 0 without affecting the Path. If the Path does not begin with a '~', then returns 1 without affecting the Path. See also the Warnings section below.

File name completion

completion complete(String& s)const; Sets s to the completion of the Path with respect to the files in the underlying file system. Notice that s is a String and not a Path, since a completion can be the empty string, whereas a Path must contain at least one character. Returns the appropriate value of completion (see above).


friend int operator==(const Path& p,const Path& q);"

friend int operator!=(const Path& p,const Path& q);" Equality and inequality. Paths P and Q are equal if and only if (String)P == (String)Q.

friend int componentwise_prefix(const Path & p, const Path & q); Returns -1, 1, or 0 depending on whether p is a componentwise prefix of q, q is a componentwise prefix of p, or neither is a componentwise prefix of the other. If p == q then returns 1. A Path is a componentwiseprefix of another if the list of components of the first is a (possibly non-proper) prefix of the list of components of the second, except that the Path "." (which has no components) is only considered a componentwise prefix of every relative Path. Note that the Path "/" is by definition a componentwise prefix of every absolute Path.

Stream insertion and extraction

friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& os,const Path& p);"

friend istream& operator>>(istream& is,Path& p);" Representation is as in UNIX, i.e., a slash-separated string of components.


int is_wd()const; Returns true if the Path is "." or the absolute path name of the current working directory. Raises no_wd if necessary.

int truncate_components(int maxlen); Truncates every component in the Path to a maximum of maxlen characters. If maxlen is less than 2, it is treated as 2. Returns 0 if no truncation occurred (i.e., if every component was less than or equal to maxlen characters long).


On some machines with symbolic links, it is not always true that /a/b/.. is equal to /a in the underlying file system. (Doing a ".." back across a link follows the actual hard link, even if you got there by a symbolic link.) The Path "a/b/..", however, will still be canonicalized to "a".


basename(1), dirname(3G), getenv(3C), getpwnam(3C), getwd(3C), Intro(2), ksh(1), ksh_test(3C++), stat(2), List(3C++), Objection(3C++), Search_path(3C++), String(3C++), Tmppath(3C++)
© 2004 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 25 April 2004