
Block -- Parameterized variable-size arrays


   #include <Block.h>
   #include <Blockio.h>
   namespace SCO_SC {

template <class T> class Block { public:

// Constructors, destructor

Block(); Block(unsigned n); ~Block();

// Copy and assign

Block(const Block(T)& b); Block<T>& operator=(const Block<T>& b);

// Access elements

operator T*(); T* end(); T& operator[](int i); T& operator[](unsigned i);

operator const T*()const; const T* end()const; const T& operator[](int i)const; const T& operator[](unsigned i)const;

// Length

unsigned size()const; unsigned size(unsigned n); int reserve(unsigned i);

// Miscellaneous

void swap(Block<T>& b); };

// Stream insertion

template <class T> ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const Block<T>& b); }


A Block<T> is a contiguous region of memory in which elements of type T are stored in consecutive cells. At the client's request, the number of cells may be changed (this does not happen automatically). Such requests are carried out in three steps: (1) allocate a new region (2) copy elements from the old region to the new region (3) de-allocate the old region. Like arrays, the cells of a Block may be accessed using an integer index or ordinary pointer operations, but care must be taken not to use pointers or references to obsolete regions.

T may be any type having

Constructors, destructor

Block(); A Block of size 0.

Block(unsigned n); A Block of size n. If n cells cannot be acquired, size() will subsequently return zero. Elements are initialized with the value of an otherwise uninitialized static object of type T.

~Block(); Destructor. Frees all size() cells.

Copy and assign

Copying or assigning a Block<T> creates a copy of its value. For both operations, the size of the result will be zero if b.size() cells cannot be acquired.

Block(const Block<T>& b); Copy constructor. Acquires b.size() cells.

Block<T>& operator=(const Block<T>& b); Assignment. Acquires b.size() cells and frees size() cells.

Access elements

The functions in this group yield pointers or references to cells. Such pointers or references are valid only as long as same storage region remains associated with the Block.

operator T*(); A pointer to the first cell of the Block (the cell with index 0). Useful as an implicit conversion in contexts involving pointer arithmetic. For example, if b is a Block, then b+i is equivalent to (T*)b+i.

T* end(); A pointer just beyond the last cell. For example, if b is a Block, then b.end() is equivalent to (T*)b+b.size().

T& operator[](int i); A reference to the cell with index i.

T& operator[](unsigned i); A reference to the cell with index i.

operator const T*()const;

const T* end()const;

const T& operator[](int i)const;

const T& operator[](unsigned i)const; Like the above, but these can be used on constant as well as non-constant Blocks.


unsigned size()const; The number of cells in the Block.

unsigned size(unsigned n); Changes the region of memory associated with the Block to a new region having n cells and copies elements from the old region into the new region. If the new region is larger than the old, the excess element are set to the value of an otherwise uninitialized static object of type T. Otherwise, only enough elements are copied to fill the new region. If n cells cannot be acquired, the size is set to zero. Returns the new size.

int reserve(unsigned i); Increases the size, if necessary, to some value strictly greater than i. In other words, calling reserve(i) is a way of guaranteeing that i is a valid index (see the Example). If the size is already greater than i, the operation is very fast and has no effect. If the size must be increased but enough new cells cannot be acquired, the size is set to zero. Returns nonzero if the operation succeeds.

Stream insertion

ostream& operator<<(ostream& os,const Block<T>& b); Inserts an ASCII representation of b into os. The representation has the form [e1,e2,...en] where the e's are the elements of b.


void swap(Block<T>& b); The memory associated with b and the memory associated with this Block are swapped. No result is returned and no elements are copied or moved.


Block is implemented by straightforward use of the new and delete operators, with the sole exception of reserve(). Calling b.reserve(i) checks inline that the size of b is greater then i; if it isn't, the size may well be increased considerably beyond i (the present strategy is to multiply the current size by the smallest power of 1.5 needed to increase it beyond i).


reserve() was designed to be used in the following way:

       unsigned i = 0;
       Block<int> b;
       int x;
       while(cin >> x){
           b.reserve(i);   guarantee that i is a valid index
           b[i++] = x;



The only error detected is running out of memory. This is indicated in all cases by setting the size of the Block for which the allocation failed to zero.



Array_alg(3C++), Map(3C++)
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UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 25 April 2004