
dup -- duplicate an open file descriptor


   #include <unistd.h>

int dup(int fildes);


dup duplicates an open file descriptor. fildes is a file descriptor obtained from a creat, open, dup, fcntl, pipe, or ioctl system call. dup returns a new file descriptor having the following in common with the original:

The new file descriptor is set to remain open across exec system calls [see fcntl(2)].

The file descriptor returned is the lowest one available.

Return values

On success, dup returns a non-negative integer, namely the file descriptor. On failure, dup returns -1 and sets errno to identify the error.


In the following conditions, dup fails and sets errno to:

fildes is not a valid open file descriptor.

A signal was caught during the dup system call.

The process has too many open files [see getrlimit(2)].

fildes is on a remote machine and the link to that machine is no longer active.


close(2), creat(2), dup2(3C), exec(2), fcntl(2), getrlimit(2), lockf(3C), open(2), pipe(2)


Considerations for threads programming

Open file descriptors are a process resource and available to any sibling thread; if used concurrently, actions by one thread can interfere with those of a sibling.
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UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 25 April 2004