
getitems -- return a list of currently marked menu items


   getitems [delimiter_string]


The getitems function returns the value of lininfo if defined, else it returns the value of the name descriptor, for all currently marked menu items. Each value in the list is delimited by delimiter_string. The default value of delimiter_string is newline.


The done descriptor in the following menu definition file executes getitems when the user presses ENTER (note that the menu is multiselect):
   done=`getitems ":" | message`

name="Item 1" action=`message "You selected item 1"`

name="Item 2" lininfo="This is item 2" action=`message "You selected item 2"`

name="Item 3" action=`message "You selected item 3"`

If a user marked all three items in this menu, pressing ENTER would cause the following string to be displayed on the message line:

   Item 1:This is item 2:Item 3

Note that because lininfo is defined for the second menu item, its value is displayed instead of the value of the name descriptor.

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UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 25 April 2004