
timedc -- timed control program


timedc [ command [ argument ... ] ]


timedc controls the operation of the timed program. It may be used to: Without any arguments, timedc will prompt for commands from the standard input. If arguments are supplied, timedc interprets the first argument as a command and the remaining arguments as parameters to the command. The standard input may be redirected causing timedc to read commands from a file. Commands may be abbreviated; recognized commands are:

? [ command ... ]
help [ command ... ]
Print a short description of each command specified in the argument list, or, if no arguments are given, a list of the recognized commands.

clockdiff host ...
Compute the differences between the clock of the host machine and the clocks of the machines given as arguments.

election host
This command is used for testing only. It causes host's election timer to expire immediately.

msite { host ... }
Show the master time server for the specified hosts, or the local host if host is not specified.

trace { on | off }
Enable or disable the tracing of incoming messages to timed in the file /usr/adm/timed.log.

Exit from timedc.


tracing file for timed

log file for master timed


?Ambiguous command
abbreviation matches more than one command

?Invalid command
no match found

?Privileged command
command can be executed by root only


adjtime(2), date(1), icmp(7tcp), netdate(1Mtcp), timed(1Mtcp)
© 2004 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 25 April 2004