
rxlist -- list available REXEC services


/usr/lib/rexec/rxlist [-l] [-h]


The rxlist command lists REXEC services currently defined on the system.


rxlist takes the following options:

Generate a long listing. A long listing consists of a four-column table, where the columns contain the following:

Column 1
The service name.

Column 2
A text description of the service.

Column 3
A ``u'' if the -u option was specified with the rxservice command when the service was defined, or a hyphen if it was not.

Column 4
The service definition.

Generate a listing with headings. The headings, in order of appearance, are: ``SERVICE'', ``DESCRIPTION'', ``UTMP'', and ``DEFINITION''.
If no options are given, a two-column table of defined services is printed, where the first column contains the service name and the second column contains a text description of the service.


REXEC services data base


A remote user invokes the rxlist command indirectly through the rquery service. When a user invokes rxlist through rquery, rxlist reports only the services currently available to the invoking user (see rexec(1bnu)).


rexec(1bnu), rexecve(3N), rxservice(1Mbnu)
© 2004 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 25 April 2004