
cs -- Connection Server, a daemon that establishes connections for TLI/serial network services


/usr/sbin/cs [-d [-D debugsize]] [-L logsize]
/usr/sbin/cs -x


The cs command starts the Connection Server used to establish connections for all network services that communicate over TLI connection-oriented and serial connections. The Connection Server is started automatically when the system goes to multi-user mode. It receives connection requests for network services from client applications (via cs_connect(3N) and dials(3N) function calls), maps machine and service names into transport-dependent addresses, establishes connections to the services, authenticates the connections if necessary, and passes the connections back to the applications. The Connection Server is used by the cu and uucp commands to establish network connections.


The cs command takes the following options:

Invoke the Connection Server in debug mode. If the Connection Server is already running, you must kill(1) the cs process and then restart the Connection Server with the -d option. The debug information is written to /var/adm/log/cs.debug.

-D debugsize
Set the upper limit on the size of the /var/adm/log/cs.debug file to debugsize bytes. When this limit is reached, the contents of the current cs.debug file are moved to cs.debug_old, and subsequent diagnostic information is written to a new cs.debug file. By default, cs.debug is limited to 400,000 bytes.

-L logsize
Set the upper limit on the size of the /var/adm/log/cs.log file to logsize bytes. When this limit is reached, the contents of the current cs.log file are moved to cs.log_old, and subsequent logging information is written to a new cs.log file. By default, cs.log is limited to 160,000 bytes.

Force the Connection Server to reread the authentication file /etc/cs/auth. The authentication file is normally only read when cs is started. This option must be used if the /etc/cs/auth file is updated while cs is running.


optional file that lists authentication scheme and role associated with a particular host, service, or network tuple

optional file that contains a list of server names, network service names, and their aliases

list of network services that client applications expect to use and the authentication scheme(s) for each service

current Connection Server log file

previous Connection Server log file

optional current Connection Server debug file

optional previous Connection Server debug file


The Connection Server keeps two logs:

cs writes status information to this log by default

cs writes diagnostic information to this log only when invoked in debug mode using the -d option
Both logs are implemented as circular logs. That is, when the size of either log reaches a specified limit, the current log is moved to /var/adm/log/cs.log_old or to /var/adm/log/cs.debug_old, and a new log file is created. Logging continues using the new cs.log or cs.debug file.


To put the Connection Server into debug mode, kill(1) the current cs process and enter /usr/sbin/cs -d to start the Connection Server in debug mode.

To turn off the debug mode, kill the current Connection Server that is running in debug mode, and restart it with no options.

To save disk space, kill the current Connection Server process and enter:

/usr/sbin/cs -L 20000

This restarts cs using a cs.log file that will not grow larger than 20,000 bytes. Note that, in this example, the combined size of the cs.log file and the cs.log_old file will not exceed 40,000 bytes.


cs_connect(3N), dials(3N), reportscheme(1Mbnu)
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UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 25 April 2004