
whodo -- who is doing what


/usr/sbin/whodo [-h] [-l] [user]


whodo produces formatted and dated output from information in the /var/adm/utmp, /etc/ps_data, and /proc/pid files.

The display is headed by the date, time, and machine name. For each user logged in, device name, user-ID and login time is shown, followed by a list of active processes associated with the user-ID. The list includes the device name, process-ID, CPU minutes and seconds used, and process name.

If user is specified, output is restricted to all sessions pertaining to that user.

The following options are available:

Suppress the heading.

Produce a long form of output. The fields displayed are: the user's login name, the name of the tty the user is on, the time of day the user logged in (in hours:minutes), the idle time -- that is, the time since the user last typed anything (in hours:minutes), the CPU time used by all processes and their children on that terminal (in minutes:seconds), the CPU time used by the currently active processes (in minutes:seconds), and the name and arguments of the current process.


The command whodo produces a display like this:
   Tue Mar 12 15:48:03 1985

term/09 mcn 8:51 term/09 28158 0:29 sh

term/52 bdr 15:23 term/52 21688 0:05 sh term/52 22788 0:01 whodo term/52 22017 0:03 vi term/52 22549 0:01 sh

xt/162 lee 10:20 term/08 6748 0:01 layers xt/162 6751 0:01 sh xt/163 6761 0:05 sh term/08 6536 0:05 sh

The above is an example of what is displayed for any user.




If the PROC driver is not installed or configured or if /proc is not mounted, a message to that effect is issued and whodo will fail.

The exit status is zero on success, non-zero on failure.


ps(1), who(1)
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UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 25 April 2004