
syslogd -- log system messages


/usr/sbin/syslogd [-d] [-f configfile] [-m interval] [-p path]


syslogd reads and forwards system messages to the appropriate log files and/or users, depending upon the priority of a message and the system facility from which it originates. The configuration file /etc/syslog.conf (see syslog.conf(4bsd)) controls where messages are forwarded. syslogd logs a mark (timestamp) message every interval minutes (default 20) at priority LOG_INFO to the facility whose name is given as mark in the syslog.conf file.

A system message consists of a single line of text, which may be prefixed with a priority code number enclosed in angle-brackets (<>); priorities are defined in sys/syslog.h.

syslogd reads from the STREAMS log driver, /dev/log, from any transport provider specified in /etc/netconfig, /etc/net/transport/hosts, and /etc/net/transport/services.

syslogd reads the configuration file when it starts up, and again whenever it receives a HUP signal, at which time it also closes all files it has open, rereads its configuration file, and then opens only the log files that are listed in that file. syslogd exits when it receives a TERM signal.

As it starts up, syslogd creates the file /etc/, if possible, containing its process ID (PID).

Command options

Turn on debugging.

Specify an alternate configuration file.

-m interval
Specify an interval, in minutes, between mark messages.

-p path
Specify an alternate log (one other than /dev/log).


configuration file

process ID

STREAMS log driver

specifies the transport providers available on the system

network hosts for each transport

network services for each transport


log(7), logger(1bsd), syslog(3G), syslog.conf(4bsd)
© 2004 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 25 April 2004