
shownonascii -- view mail message in a non-ASCII font


shownonascii charset [-e command] filename ...


The shownonascii program allows data in non-ASCII character sets to be viewed under X11. By default, it opens up an xterm using the font identified by charset in the first argument. It then runs the more command to view all of the files named on the command line using the specified font.

If the -e switch is used, the rest of the command line is accepted as a command to pass to xterm to be used instead of more.

If the MM_CHARSET environment variable is set and matches the character set named in the first argument, charset, a new xterm window is not opened.

If the MM_AUXCHARSETS environment variable is set, the character set named in the first argument is recognized as a subset of that string, and a new xterm window is not opened.


mailto(1), metamail(1)


Author is Nathaniel S. Borenstein, Bell Communications Research, Inc. See copyright page for further information.
© 2004 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 25 April 2004