
pppstatus -- display status of a Point-to-Point Protocol bundle


pppstatus [ -v ] [ -p period ] [ -t timeout ] bundle


pppstatus displays status information for the named PPP bundle. (The bundle must have been previously configured using ppptalk(1M).) In non-verbose mode, information on the state of the bundle, bundle protocols and link protocols is provided. In verbose mode, full information is provided on the standard output.

pppstatus runs until a timeout occurs.

The following options are available:

-p period
Provides status information every period seconds.

-t timeout
Set the timeout value in seconds. A timeout value of 0 (default) means that pppstatus will not exit until killed.

Turn on verbose mode. In non-verbose mode, limited status information is displayed on screen. In verbose mode full information is provided to the standard output.

Multilink considerations

In non-verbose mode, pppstatus displays the state of links on the screen. If the screen is not large enough to accommodate information about all links, the information will be truncated. For systems using high numbers of links within a single bundle, use the verbose option to provide full information about all links.

Exit codes

The following exit codes can be used to diagnose problems:


The command syntax is invalid.

The bundle name is invalid.

A timeout occurred.

An unexpected error from pppd occurred.

A dialer error occurred.

An unspecified error occurred.


pppattach(1M), pppdetach(1M), ppplinkadd(1M), ppplinkdrop(1M), ppptalk(1M)
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UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 25 April 2004