
panel -- user interface to the AST Manhatten front panel and special features


panel [-m] [-u|-t "text"] [-h|-s|-o] [-q] [-c configfile]


panel is a user interface that monitors and controls the sensors and displays on the AST Manhatten computer.

panel monitors the Manhatten's OFF keyswitch and ATTN button. When the ATTN button is pushed, panel executes an init 1 and puts the operating system into single user mode. When the OFF keyswitch is turned off, panel executes /sbin/shutdown and turns off the power.

panel checks on the state of the UPS (if installed). If the UPS is on, i.e. the normal power is off and the UPS is supplying power, panel initiates a system shutdown after a short delay (default: 1 minute).

The AST Manhatten may have up to 3 power supplies: the regular power supply, a redundant power supply and a UPS. panel checks the condition of the regular and redundant power supplies (if installed). If a power supply fails, panel notifies root by mail and sends a message to the console; no other action is taken.

panel monitors the thermal condition of the computer. If the computer's internal temperature sensor (near the CPU boards) indicates the temperature is too high, a message is sent to the console and mail is sent to root. If the temperature is not brought into normal operating range within a short period of time (default: 1 minute), panel executes /sbin/shutdown and brings the system down. If the hardware capability exists, the power is also turned off.

panel sets the front panel CPU graph into one of three modes: ``histogram mode'', ``status mode'' or ``online mode''. Histogram mode graphically shows current CPU utilization (% of full capacity). Status mode shows which CPUs are in use (actively processing). Online mode shows which CPUs are currently online (enabled). The modes are mutually exclusive.

panel controls the front panel text display. It can display % CPU utilization of full capacity or text (static or scrolling).

panel can also enable or disable the RAM cache.

panel, with no arguments, reports the current settings.

Command options

Start the monitoring daemons.

Display % CPU utilization on front panel text display.

-t 'text'
Display text on front panel text display.

Set front panel CPU graph to show CPU utilization.

Set front panel CPU graph to show which CPUs are being used.

Set front panel CPU graph to show which CPUs are online.

Enable RAM cache.

Disable RAM cache.

Quiet mode: report error messages only.

-c configfile
Use configuration file configfile to set the following environment variables:

Variable Description Default
UPS_SHUT_DELAY minutes between power failure and shutdown 1 minute
UPS_ACTION unix command executed when UPS state is ON /sbin/shutdown -y -g0 -i0
THERM_POLL_DELAY minutes between overheat and shutdown 1 minute
THERM_SHUT_DELAY polling frequency for thermal sensor 1 minute
PWR_POLL_DELAY polling frequency for power supply condition 1 minute
GRAPH_MODE CPU graph mode 1=histogram mode
2=status mode
3=online mode
3 (online mode)
DISPLAY_MODE alpha display mode
1=utilization mode
2=text mode
1(utilization mode)
DISPLAY_TEXT default text AST Manhatten MP
SCROLL_DELAY scrolling speed 250 milliseconds
SCROLL_PAUSE time between redisplay of scrolling text 1000 milliseconds
CACHE_MODE enables or disables cache mode N or F N(enabled)

 Variable           Description            Default
 UPS_SHUT_DELAY     minutes between        1 minute
                    power failure and
 UPS_ACTION         unix command           /sbin/shutdown -y
                    executed when UPS      -g0 -i0
                    state is ON
 THERM_POLL_DELAY   minutes between        1 minute
                    overheat and
 THERM_SHUT_DELAY   polling frequency      1 minute
                    for thermal sensor
 PWR_POLL_DELAY     polling frequency      1 minute
                    for power supply
 GRAPH_MODE         CPU graph mode         3 (online mode)
                    1=histogram mode
                    2=status mode
                    3=online mode
 DISPLAY_MODE       alpha display mode     1(utilization mode)
                    1=utilization mode
                    2=text mode
 DISPLAY_TEXT       default text           AST Manhatten MP
 SCROLL_DELAY       scrolling speed        250 milliseconds
 SCROLL_PAUSE       time between           1000 milliseconds
                    redisplay of
                    scrolling text
 CACHE_MODE         enables or disables    N(enabled)
                    cache mode N or F









panel was conceived and written at Microport, Inc. by Wes Modes.


If the display text is longer than than the front panel text display, panel continuously scrolls the text across the display. The LED display is 4 characters wide, for example, ``AST'' would not scroll, but ``AST MANHATTEN'' would.

The redundant power supply is a duplicate of the regular power supply and powers the system if the regular power supply fails or drops out of spec.

The variable values set in the optional configfile are overridden by command line switches. The variable names used in the configfile may be uppercase, lowercase or a mixture of the two. Underbars or dashes may be used to connect words. For example, all of the following are valid ways of spelling the variable DISPLAY_TEXT:

DISPLAY_TEXT display_text DISPLAY-TEXT display-text

The following example shows the format used in configfile:

   # panel configuration file

# display text on front panel text display DISPLAY_TEXT TESTING 1 2 3

# pause between redisplay of text SCROLL_PAUSE 1000 # in milliseconds

A sample configuration file containing the default variable values is provided in /etc/default/panel.cfg.

shutdown or init 0 will not turn off power if the system is in uniprocessor mode.

© 2004 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 25 April 2004