
nd -- control operation of a network adapter driver


/etc/nd start [ interface ]

/etc/nd stop [ interface ]

/etc/nd restart [ interface ]

/etc/nd failover interface

/etc/nd failback interface

/etc/nd info action interface


The nd command is used to start, stop or restart configured network adapter drivers. It can also be used to switch to a backup device (``failover'') for a network interface or to revert to the primary device (``failback'').

Configured network adapter drivers start automatically at system startup because /etc/nd is run by /etc/rc2.d/S15nd. Similarly, configured network adapter drivers stop automatically at system shutdown because /etc/nd is run by /etc/rc0.d/K85nd. See rc0(1M) and rc2(1M) for further information.

The nd command accepts the following arguments:

The name of the driver instance on which the command will act. The interface name takes the form netX, where X is a number in the range 0 through N-1, and N is the number of adapters configured in your system. If the interface is not specified with start, stop, or restart, nd will start, stop, or restart all configured drivers.

Start a network driver.

Stop a network driver.

Restart a network driver after hardware failure.

Switch the specified interface to a backup device.

Switch the specified interface back to the primary device.

info action
Print information about a specified interface on the standard output. The action determines the type of information that is returned.

The actions that are recognized, the possible returned values and their meaning are shown in the following table:

Action Returns Information
is_primary INFO interface Y Primary interface
INFO interface N Backup interface
using_backup INFO interface Y Primary interface with backup
INFO interface N Primary interface without backup
INFO interface Backup interface
associated_driver INFO interface driver MDI driver associated with interface
current_driver INFO interface driver MDI driver in use by interface. For a backup interface or for a primary interface that has not failed over, this is the same as the associated driver
sibling_interface INFO interface backup Primary interface with backup
INFO interface Primary interface without backup
INFO interface primary Backup interface for primary

 |Action            | Returns          | Information                |
 |is_primary        | INFO interface Y | Primary interface          |
 |                  | INFO interface N | Backup interface           |
 |using_backup      | INFO interface Y | Primary interface with     |
 |                  |                  | backup                     |
 |                  | INFO interface N | Primary interface without  |
 |                  |                  | backup                     |
 |                  | INFO interface   | Backup interface           |
 |associated_driver | INFO interface   | MDI driver associated with |
 |                  | driver           | interface                  |
 |current_driver    | INFO interface   | MDI driver in use by       |
 |                  | driver           | interface.  For a backup   |
 |                  |                  | interface or for a primary |
 |                  |                  | interface that has not     |
 |                  |                  | failed over, this is the   |
 |                  |                  | same as the associated     |
 |                  |                  | driver                     |
 |sibling_interface | INFO interface   | Primary interface with     |
 |                  | backup           | backup                     |
 |                  | INFO interface   | Primary interface without  |
 |                  |                  | backup                     |
 |                  | INFO interface   | Backup interface for       |
 |                  | primary          | primary                    |
If an unknown action is specified, nd returns INFO FAIL OPTION. If an unknown interface is specified, nd returns INFO FAIL DEVICE.
The nd command starts the dlpid daemon, which links an instance of the common DLPI module to each MDI driver instance. The startup of nd precedes the startup of network transport stacks and other higher-level protocols.


Do not manually edit the network driver startup and shutdown scripts. Doing so may disable the drivers. Use the Network Configuration Manager to add and modify network adapter driver configuration.


dlpid(1M), mdi(7), ndcfg(1M), ndstat(1M), rc0(1M), rc2(1M)
``Configuring LAN connections'' in Configuring LAN connections
© 2004 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 25 April 2004