
mount_s5 -- mount an s5 filesystem


mount [-F s5] [generic_options] [-r] [-o specific_options]
[special | mount_point]
mount [-F s5] [generic_options] [-r] [-o specific_options]
special mount_point


generic_options are options supported by the generic mount command.

mount notifies the system that special, an s5 block special device, is available to users from the mount_point which must exist before mount is called; it becomes the name of the root of the newly mounted special.

The options are:

-F s5
Specify the s5 FSType. If -F s5 is not specified heuristics similiar to those used by fstyp(1M) are used to determine the file system type.

NOTE: This command executes faster if it is not required to autodetect file system types. If possible, specify the -F s5.

Mount the filesystem read-only.

Specify the s5 file-specific options in a comma-separated list. The available options are:

rw | ro
Read/write or read-only. Default is rw.

suid | nosuid
Setuid is honored or ignored on execution. Default is suid.

Note that a mount of an unprotected medium (such as a floppy disk) introduces possible security risks. While the use of nosuid protects against some risks, it is not completely effective. The best defense against such security risks is to avoid mounting unprotected media.

Used in conjunction with rw. A filesystem mounted read-only can be remounted read-write. Fails if the filesystem is not currently mounted or if the filesystem is mounted rw. Option is in force only when specified.


mount table


fstyp(1M), mnttab(4), generic mount(1M), mount(2), setmnt(1M), setuid(2)
© 2004 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 25 April 2004