
montbl -- create monetary database


montbl [-o outfile] infile


The montbl command takes as input a specification file, infile, that describes the formatting conventions for monetary quantities for a specific locale.

-o outfile
Write the output on outfile; otherwise, write the output on a file named LC_MONETARY.
The output of montbl is suitable for use by the localeconv function (see localeconv(3C)). Before outfile can be used by localeconv, it must be installed in the /usr/lib/locale/locale directory with the name LC_MONETARY by a user with appropriate privilege or a member of group bin. locale is the locale whose monetary formatting conventions are described in infile. This file must be readable by user, group, and other; no other permissions should be set. To use formatting conventions for monetary quantities described in this file, use setlocale(3C) to change the locale for category LC_MONETARY to locale (see setlocale(3C)).

Once installed, this file will be used by the localeconv function to initialize the monetary specific fields of a structure of type struct lconv. For a description of each field in this structure, see localeconv(3C).

   struct 	lconv 	{
   	char *decimal_point;		/* "." */
   	char *thousands_sep;		/* "" (zero length string) */
   	char *grouping;			/* "" */
   	char *int_curr_symbol;	/* "" */
   	char *currency_symbol;	/* "" */
   	char *mon_decimal_point;	/* "" */
   	char *mon_thousands_sep;	/* "" */
   	char *mon_grouping;		/* "" */
   	char *positive_sign;		/* "" */
   	char *negative_sign;		/* "" */
   	char int_frac_digits;		/* CHAR_MAX */
   	char frac_digits;		/* CHAR_MAX */
   	char p_cs_precedes;		/* CHAR_MAX */
   	char p_sep_by_space;		/* CHAR_MAX */
   	char n_cs_precedes;		/* CHAR_MAX */
   	char n_sep_by_space;		/* CHAR_MAX */
   	char p_sign_posn;		/* CHAR_MAX */
   	char n_sign_posn;		/* CHAR_MAX */
The specification file specifies the value of each struct lconv member, except for the first three members, decimal_point, thousands_sep, and grouping, which are set by the LC_NUMERIC category of setlocale(3C). Each member's value is given on a line with the following format:

keyword <white space> value

where keyword is identical to the struct lconv field name and value is a quoted string for those fields that are a character pointer and an integer for those fields that hold an integer value. For example,

   int_curr_symbol		"ITL."
   int_frac_digits		0
will set the international currency symbol and the number of fractional digits to be displayed in an internationally formatted monetary quantity to ``ITL.'' and ``0'', respectively.

Blank lines and lines starting with a ``#'' are taken to be comments and are ignored. A character in a string may be in octal or hex representation. For example, ``\141'' or ``\x61'' could be used to represent the letter ``a''. If there is no specification line for a given structure member, then the default C locale value for that member is used (see the values in comments in the struct lconv definition above).

Given below is an example of what the specification file for Italy would look like:

   # Italy

int_curr_symbol "ITL." currency_symbol "L." mon_decimal_point "" mon_thousands_sep "." mon_grouping "\3" positive_sign "" negative_sign "-" int_frac_digits 0 frac_digits 0 p_cs_precedes 1 p_sep_by_space 0 n_cs_precedes 1 n_sep_by_space 0 p_sign_posn 1 n_sign_posn 1

The first three elements of the lconv structure, decimal_point, thousand_sep, and grouping are set by the LC_NUMERIC category of setlocale(3C). The chrtbl(1M) utility can be used to generate the LC_NUMERIC data containing this information.


LC_MONETARY database for locale

input file used to construct LC_MONETARY in the default locale


localeconv(3C), setlocale(3C)
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UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 25 April 2004