
mdmcfg -- configure modem feature attributes, and install and remove configuration files


mdmcfg modem [ -p device] [ -f ] [ -s attr value | -g [ attr ] | -d [ attr ] | -v [attr ] ]
mdmcfg modem [ -p device] [ -f ] -E
mdmcfg [ -q ] [ -f ] -I [ modem | file | directory ]
mdmcfg [ -q ] -U [ modem | file | directory ]
mdmcfg [ -q ] -r


mdmcfg is a command line tool for configuring modem feature attributes and installing and removing configuration files.

mdmcfg is found in /usr/lib/uucp.


The following options are available:

Set modem attributes to default values. This can be specified many times on a command line.

Force creation of the dialer file or force installation of the configuration file.

Get modem attributes. This can be specified many times on a command line.

Install modem configuration file.

Enables the modem in the modem subsystem.

-p device
Insert additional directories in the path.

Quiet mode.

Force rebuild of vendor/modem database.

-s attr value
Set modem attribute. This can be specified many times on a command line.

Uninstall modem configuration file.

Get valid attribute values.

Installing and removing modem configuration files

Configuration files are typically distributed via a diskette, CD-ROM or over the Internet. With a diskette or CD-ROM, the media needs to be mounted or copied somewhere. With Internet distributions, the configuration file will need to be downloaded onto the local system. Alternatively the file could be installed on one system and the directory exported through NFS to another system that needs the new modem file.

The -I option is specified with the path to modems.idx, the path to the directory containing modems.idx, or the path to the modem configuration file. For example:

mdmcfg -I /mnt/modems.idx

Installs all modem configurations listed in /mnt/modems.idx. /mnt/modems.idx is the path to modems.idx.

mdmcfg -I /mnt

Installs all modem configurations listed in /mnt/modems.idx. /mnt is the path to the directory containing modems.idx.

mdmcfg -I /mnt/Generic_144

Installs all modem configurations found in /mnt/Generic_144. /mnt/Generic_144 is the path to the modem configuration file.

The -U option is specified with the path to modems.idx, the path to the directory containing modems.idx, the path to the modem configuration file, or the modem configuration file. For example:

mdmcfg -U Generic_144

Uninstalls the modem Generic_144. Generic_144 is the modem configuration filename.

mdmcfg -U /etc/uucp/Modems/Generic_144

Uninstalls the modem found in /etc/uucp/Modems/Generic_144. /etc/uucp/Modems/Generic_144 is the path to the modem configuration file.

mdmcfg -U /mnt/modems.idx

Uninstalls all modems listed in /mnt/modems.idx. /mnt/modems.idx is the path to modems.idx.

mdmcfg -U /mnt

Uninstalls all modems listed in /mnt/modems.idx. /mnt is the path to the directory containing modems.idx.

mdmcfg -r

Forces a rebuild of vendor or modem database. This is specified after a mdmcfg -U or mdmcfg -I command has been used.

Installing involves copying the file into /etc/uucp/Modems, adding the file to /etc/uucp/Modems/modems.idx and rebuilding the database files present in /etc/uucp/DBase and /etc/uucp/Detect.

Uninstalling files results in the file being removed from /etc/uucp/Modems and /etc/uucp/Modems/modems.idx.

In each case a single modem can be provided, or the path to a modems.idx file or a directory containing either the modems or modems.idx file.

Files will only be installed if they parse as valid modem configuration files. An invalid file is silently ignored. If the modem is already installed, the modem configuration file will only be overwritten if the creation date attribute of the new file is more recent than that of the file installed.

At least one of the values present in the ``WorksWith'' and ``Certified'' fields must be present in /etc/uucp/Release, otherwise the file is not supported by this release of UnixWare 7.

To enable a modem, use:

mdmcfg Generic_144 -p term/00m -E

Creates a symbolic link in /etc/uucp named after the modem (Generic_144) that links to /usr/lib/uucp/atdialer.

Retrieving and setting modem attributes

The following features are supported:

Some modems (mainly ISDN) support more than one on the wire protocol. The options are vendor specific.

Speaker Mode
Controls when the speaker is active. The options are during dialing, dialing and setup, or on continuously.

Speaker Volume
Low, medium and high.

Flow Control
The options are hardware, software or none. It is advised to leave this on hardware unless the modem vendor states otherwise.

Modem to modem compression.

Error Control
Modem to modem error control. The options are forced, cellular, cellular forced.

Speed Negotiation
Modem to modem speed negotiation.

Number of rings before an incoming call is answered.

Inactivity Timeout
Number of seconds before an inactive connection is dropped. The default is 0 (off).

Call Setup Fail Timeout
Number of seconds to allow for modem to modem setup before the connection is declared as a failure. The default is 0 (off).

Tone or pulse dialing.

Dialing blind allows the modem to dial the other phone number without waiting for a dial tone.

Phone line modulation protocols. The options are CCITT, BELL and CCITT V23.

Retrieving and setting modem attributes uses the v, g, s, d and f options of mdmcfg. For example:

mdmcfg Generic_144 -p term/00m -g

Gets all attributes supported by modem.

mdmcfg Generic_144 -p term/00m -g SpeakerVolume

Gets SpeakerVolume attribute.

mdmcfg Generic_144 -p term/00m -v

Gets valid values for all attributes.

mdmcfg Generic_144 -p term/00m -v SpeakerVolume

Gets all valid values for attribute SpeakerVolume.

mdmcfg Generic_144 -p term/00m -s SpeakerVolume High

Sets SpeakerVolume to High.

mdmcfg Generic_144 -p term/00m -d

Sets all attributes to the default values.

mdmcfg Generic_144 -p term/00m -d SpeakerVolume

Sets SpeakerVolume to the default value.

mdmcfg Generic_144 -p term/00m -f

Forces creation of the dialer file.

In each case the dialer file and current settings are created in /etc/uucp/default. For example:

/etc/uucp/mdmcfg/term/00m/Generic_144 -s Monitor 2

creates /etc/uucp/default/term/00m/Generic_144 and /etc/uucp/default/term/00m/Generic_144.cfg.

Omitting the -p option sets attributes globally for the specified modem. Omitting the -p option is only used if a modem does not have a set of port specific attributes.

The -p option allows the same type of modem to be present on more than one port and each to have their own settings. For example, you can have a Generic_144 modem configured on both ports, but with the speaker configured for ``On'' on one port and ``Off'' on the other.




The exit codes are:



Modem configuration not found (SCO_MDMCFG_ERR_UNKNOWN_MODEM).

Attribute attr is not supported (SCO_MDMCFG_ERR_INVALID_ATTR).

Attribute value attr value for attribute attr is not supported (SCO_MDMCFG_ERR_INVALID_ATTR_VALUE).

Attribute attr is incorrect in the modem configuration file (SCO_MDMCFG_ERR_MODEM_INVALID_ATTR).

Attribute value attr value is incorrect in the modem configuration file (SCO_MDMCFG_ERR_MODEM_INVALID_ATTR_VALUE).

Attribute value attr value is read only and cannot be modified (SCO_MDMCFG_ERR_ATTR_READONLY).

Attribute is missing (SCO_MDMCFG_ERR_MISSING_ATTR).

Value for attribute attr is missing (SCO_MDMCFG_ERR_MISSING_VALUE).

Value attr value out of range value for attribute attr (SCO_MDMCFG_ERR_INVALID_RANGE).


Modem index file path is missing (SCO_MDMCFG_ERR_IDX_MISSING).

Modem argument missing (SCO_MDMCFG_ERR_MODEM_ARG_MISSING).

File path is not a directory (SCO_MDMCFG_ERR_DEFAULTS_DIR).

Error installing modem (SCO_MDMCFG_ERR_INSTALLING_MODEM).

Illegal option (SCO_MDMCFG_ERR_USAGE).


ati(1M), mdmcfgcheck(1M)
© 2004 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 25 April 2004