
mapkey, mapscrn, mapstr -- configure monitor screen mapping


mapkey [-doxVSU] [datafile]

mapscrn [-dg] [datafile]

mapstr [-dg] [datafile]


mapscrn configures the output mapping of the virtual terminal screen on which it is invoked. mapkey and mapstr configure the mapping of the keyboard and string keys (for example, function keys) of the virtual terminal. mapkey can only be run by the privileged user.

mapscrn and mapstr function on a per-virtual terminal (VT) basis. Mapping on one VT does not affect any other VT. Setting the default for every VT can be done using the -g option. The -g option may be used only by the privileged user.

The mapscrn command sets up a one-to-one character mapping on output. This is also known as the "screen mapping" capability. A screen map is an array of 256 bytes (eight-bit characters). If a character is written to a VT on which screen mapping is enabled, the character actually drawn on the screen is going to be the character in the array at the index value given by the original character.

For example, ``char foo[256]'' is the screen map. ``foo[a]'' is set to the value ``p''. If the screen map ``foo'' is enabled on the VT, every time the character ``a'' is written to the terminal, ``p'' will be displayed.

If a file name is given on the argument line, the respective mapping table is configured from the contents of the input file. If no file is given, the default files in /usr/lib/keyboard and /usr/lib/console are used. The -d option causes the mapping table to be read from the kernel instead of written and an ASCII version to be displayed on the standard output. The format of the output is suitable for use as input files to mapscrn, mapkey, or mapstr.

The sum of the characters in the strings for mapstr (in the /usr/lib/keyboard/strings file) can be a maximum of 512.

mapkey, when downloading a mapping table, overwrites the default mapping table for all VTs (thus affecting all VTs using the default mapping table) unless the -V option is specified. In this case, only the VT in which mapkey -V was invoked is affected, and the VT will revert to using the default mapping table when it is closed or the user logs out.

When mapkey displays the mapping table being used, it is the default mapping table unless the -V option is specified. In this case, mapkey displays the mapping table in use on the VT in which mapkey -V was invoked. The -S option invokes the SCO UNIX keyboard mapping; the -U option invokes the system keyboard mapping.

Non-privileged users can run mapkey and mapstr when the -d option is given.

With the -o or -x options, mapkey displays the mapping table in octal or hexadecimal, respectively.




There is no way to specify that the map utilities read their configuration tables from standard input.


display(7), keyboard(7)
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UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 25 April 2004