
mailadmin -- configure mail systems



/etc/mail/admin/mailadmin [-h host] command [arguments]


The mailadmin utility edits the mail configuration files and is available in both graphical and command line modes. This manual page describes only the command line mode.

Executed without arguments, /etc/mail/admin/mailadmin starts up the graphical manager. For details of this mode, refer to ``The Mail Manager'' in Configuring mail and messaging.

The following list details the shell commands and their arguments. Multiple commands may be strung together on the command line: if any of them fail, no changes are made to the configuration files. Commands with a variable number of arguments may be terminated with a double hyphen (--).

sendmail restart
Stop and restart the sendmail daemon. sendmail should be restarted after all changes are completed (note that the GUI does this automatically). This operation is carried out by /etc/mail/sendmailrc.

uucp rebuild
Rebuilds /etc/mail/table/uucp.db from /usr/lib/uucp/Systems. This only needs to be done if a UUCP channel exists and the Systems file has been changed. (Note that the GUI does this automatically.)

add map name
Adds an NIS alias map or alias file entry. The permissible formats are nis:mapname or the full pathname of an alias file.

add altname name
Adds an alternate name for this host.

add channel name program type
Adds a new channel entry. The table type is one of DNS, UUCP, local, remote, baduser and file.

del map name
Deletes an alias map or alias file by name.

del altname name
Deletes an alternate name entry by name.

del channel name
Deletes a channel entry by name.

order maps list
Gives a new alias map order.

order altnames list
Gives a new alternate names order.

order channels list
Gives a new channel order. Channels using the baduser table type must be specified last, and there can be at most one such channel.

list maps
Lists alias map names in order.

list altnames
Lists alternate names in order.

list channels
Lists channel names in order.
The following commands deal with individual properties.

def propname
Sets a given property to its default value.

get propname
Displays the current value of the given property.

set propname value
Sets a given property to the given value.
Property names can be a single token or they can be a channel name, followed by a colon and then the property name. Valid property names and their values are as follows: For a comprehensive reference to sendmail rulesets, mailer arguments and equate constructs, refer to sendmail, Bryan Costales with Eric Allman, O'Reilly & Associates, Inc., 1997.


Vacation Notification Manager in Vacation Notification Manager
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UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 25 April 2004