
idmkinit -- construct inittab file from configuration data


/etc/conf/bin/idmkinit [-o directory] [-e directory]
[[-M module-name] ...] [-#]


One of the ID/TP kernel configuration tools, idmkinit reconstructs /etc/inittab from the Init(4dsp) files in /etc/conf/init.d. The new inittab is normally placed in the /etc/conf/cf.d directory, although this can be changed through the -o option.


The command-line options are:

-o directory
Create inittab in the directory specified, instead of the default, /etc/conf/cf.d.

-e directory
Use the init files in the directory specified, instead of the default location, /etc/conf/init.d.

-M module-name
Append the inittab lines generated from the Init file, if there is one, of the loadable kernel module specified to /etc/inittab so it can take effect.

Print debugging information.


In the sysinit state during the next system reboot after a kernel reconfiguration, the idmkinit command is called automatically (by idmkenv) to establish the correct /etc/inittab for the running (newly built) kernel. idmkinit is also called by idbuild when loadable kernel module configuration is requested. idmkinit for the running (newly built) kernel. can be executed as a user-level command before a Driver Software Package (DSP) is actually built. It is also useful in installation scripts that do not reconfigure the kernel, but which need to create inittab entries. In this case, the inittab generated by idmkinit must be copied to /etc/inittab, and an init q command must be run for the new entry to take effect.

Exit codes

An exit value of zero indicates success. If an error is encountered, idmkinit will exit with a non-zero value and report an error message.


idbuild(1M), idinstall(1M), init(1M), Init(4dsp), inittab(4)
© 2004 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 25 April 2004