
fud -- file update daemon for LKP


fud [-f <configuration-file>] -p <pid_file> [-v] [-s <period>] [-c] [-d] [-D]


fud is the file update daemon that is run at boot time by LKP startup scripts. fud monitors a number of system files on a regular basis, looking for changes in the file contents, file deletions, file modification times, or file inode number changes. The LKP fud.conf(4) configuration file specifies an <action> that fud should take when it detects such a change. When the <action> completes, fud examines the new state of the system, updates the information about the file in its internal tables, and resumes periodic scanning for changes in that file. You can request that fud re-read its configuration file by sending it a SIGHUP signal.

fud writes its process id number into the data file specified as <pid_file> on the command line. Typically, this is /etc/fud.d/fud.pid.

Multiple fud processes can be run on one machine with each using a different configuration file and unique PID logging file.

Command line options

fud takes the following command line options:

-f <configuration-file>
Use <configuration-file> rather than the default fud.conf(4) file. <configuration-file> must be an absolute pathname.

-s <period>
Specify the interval, in seconds, between sweeps of the files that fud monitors. The default value is one second.

-p <pid_file>
Specify the location of the data file where PIDs are logged. The standard location is /etc/fud.d/fud.pid. If pid_file is an absolute file name (begins with /), the file can be located anywhere in the filesystem hierarchy. If pid_file does not begin with /, it will be located in the /etc/fud.d directory.

Print version of fud command being executed.

Execute the <action> for all monitored files once on system startup, before beginnng the regular scan for file changes. This option is useful when the system is in an unknown state on startup. It ensures that all files monitored by fud are up-to-date when fud starts.

-d, -D
Run fud in debug mode. -D specifies a more verbose mode than -d. Without these options, fud runs silently, logging warnings and error messages to the system log as discussed in syslog(3G). In debug mode, fud runs in the foreground rather than as a daemon and logs messages to stderr. These options are intended for debugging new fud.conf entries or fud itself and should not be used on production systems.

Files that are synchronized

The list of system files that are synchronized by default are:

UnixWare file Linux file
/etc/mnttab /linux/etc/mtab
/etc/vfstab /linux/etc/fstab
/var/adm/utmpx /linux/var/run/utmp

/etc/group /linux/etc/group
/etc/passwd /linux/etc/passwd
/etc/shadow /linux/etc/shadow

 UnixWare file    Linux file
 /etc/mnttab      /linux/etc/mtab
 /etc/vfstab      /linux/etc/fstab
 /var/adm/utmpx   /linux/var/run/utmp
 /etc/group       /linux/etc/group
 /etc/passwd      /linux/etc/passwd
 /etc/shadow      /linux/etc/shadow

Differences between versions

The -p and -v options are supported only on Release 7.1.3 and later versions. For releases prior to 7.1.3, multiple instances of fud cannot be run on one system and the PID logging information always goes to the default file location. For backward compatibility, fud can be run for LKP without specifying the <pid_file>; the PID information will be written to the /etc/fud.d/fud.pid file.


The following line is run from the /rc2.d/S89fud script to initialize fud for LKP during system startup:
   /sbin/fud -f /etc/fud.d/fud.conf -p /etc/fud.d/fud.pid -c -s 1

The following command sends the SIGHUP signal to the LKP fud process to cause it to re-read its configuration file:

   kill -HUP `cat /etc/fud.d/fud.pid`


executable file

default location for the LKP configuration file; use the -f option to specify a different location.

default location for the LKP PID logging file; use the -p option to specify a different location.

startup script for LKP


fud.conf(4), fud_log(1M)
© 2004 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 25 April 2004