
cdmntsuppl -- set and get administrative CD-ROM features


cdmntsuppl [-D mode] [-F mode] [-g group] [-G gmfile] [-u owner] [-U umfile] [-c | [-l] [-m]] [-s | -x] mountpoint


cdmntsuppl sets CD-ROM default features, such as ownership of files and directories, file permissions, user and group IDs, file name conversion, and execute permission for directories. You cannot use the -c option with either -l or -m. Nor can you use -x with -s.

Use cdmntsuppl without options to display the current settings.

You need read permission on the mount point to read the current settings. You must have appropriate permissions to change administrative CD-ROM features. Change the default features after the CD-ROM has been mounted, but before any CD-ROM access occurs or that change may not be consistently visible.

Command options

Use file names as they are recorded on the CD-ROM. This option cannot be used with the -m or -l options.

-D mode
Sets the default permissions for directories the same way as with the -F option.

-F mode
Sets the default permission for files. Specify mode either as symbolic or absolute.

An absolute mode is a bit-wise inclusive OR of zero or more of the following octal values:

Read by owner.

Execute by owner.

Read by group.

Execute by group.

Read by others.

Execute by others.

A symbolic mode has the form:

[who] op [permission]

who is a combination of the letters; u (user), g (group), and o (other). a stands for ugo.

op is one of these symbols:

adds permission to the file's mode

removes permission

assigns permission absolutely (all other bits are reset).
permission is a combination of the letters r (read), and x (execute). Omitting permission is only useful when used with = to take away all permission.

-g group
Sets the default group of files and directories, where group is a group ID or a valid group name.

-G gmfile
Specifies a file that maps default group IDs on CD-ROM files and directories to group IDs or group names on the file system on which the CD-ROM is mounted. The files and directories on the CD-ROM must have an unrestricted final XAR. Entries in gmfile must have the following syntax:

value of group ID on CD-ROM, a colon (:), value of group ID or group name.

Multiple entries must be separated by a newline character. The sys/cdrom.h header file defines the maximum number of mappings allowed in gmfile (CD_MAXGMAP).

-u owner
Sets the default ownership of files and directories, where owner is a user ID or a valid login name.

-U umfile
Specifies a file that maps default user IDs on CD-ROM files and directories to user IDs or user names on the file system on which the CD-ROM is mounted. The files and directories on the CD-ROM must have an unrestricted final XAR. Entries in umfile must have the following syntax:

value of user ID on CD-ROM, a colon (:), value of user ID or user name.

Multiple entries must be separated by a newline character. The sys/cdrom.h header file defines the maximum number of mappings allowed in umfile (CD_MAXUMAP).

Convert upper case characters in File or Directory Identifiers to lower case. If the File Identifier does not contain a File Name Extension, do not display the period separator. (.) is not represented. This option can be used with the -m option.

Do not display the Version Number and semicolon separator (;) of File or Directory Identifiers on CD-ROM. This option can be used with the -l option.

Grants search permission for directories on which the searcher has read or execute permission.

Grants search permission for directories on which the searcher has execute permission.

Environment variables

LC_CTYPE is not used in file name conversion.

Exit codes

Successful completion.

mountpoint not found, access permission is denied, or mountpoint is not a mount point of a CD-ROM file system.

User does not have appropriate permission.

Too many mappings.

Bad format in a mapping file or parameter error.


cd_defs(3X), cd_idmap(3X), cd_nmconv(3X), mount_cdfs(1M)
© 2004 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 25 April 2004