
brand -- manage product licenses


brand -g [ -a license_data ] license_number license_code
brand -h license_number license_code
brand -L
brand -Q license_number license_code
brand -R license_number registration_key


Use the brand utility to manage product licenses on your system. With it, you can license products, additional users and CPUs, register them, and generate a list of existing licenses and related product information.

To learn more about SCO licensing and registration, and how to use the graphical License Manager, see UNRESOLVED XREF-0.


-g [ -a license_data ] license_number license_code
License a product using the License Number, License Code, and License Data (if provided) from the Certificate of License and Authenticity.

-h license_number license_code
Check whether the specified License Number/License Code pair requires the specification of a License Data string. With this option, brand exits with 0 if a License Data string is required, with 8 if the string is not required, and with any other value if an error occurs.

Produce a list of existing licenses and product information. This list includes information on each license's product ID, version, License Number, annotation field, start date, and expiration date. This list also includes the product name, version, description and default License Data string for all licenses on the system except SCO User Licenses and SCO SMP Licenses.

-Q license_number license_code
Return the product ID and version, separated by a period (``.''), associated with the specified License Number/License Code pair. If the specified License Number/License Code pair is invalid, brand exits with 13.

-R license_number registration_key
Register the product identified by license_number using the Registration Key provided by an SCO Registration Center.

Print out a usage message.

Exit values


Usage failure.

License Data string is not required.

Product not licensed; system failed to process licensing information.

Registration Key is mistyped.

Invalid License Number, License Code, or Registration Key.


The functionality of brand and debrand in previous versions of SCO software has been maintained for backward compatibility.


To license a product, use the License Number, License Code, and License Data in the following manner:

brand -g -a "b12;u32;mljkad3" BKA123456 wygfqmxs

See also

© 2004 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 25 April 2004