
unixware -- switch to UnixWare environment from OpenServer environment


unixware [command [arg...]]


Use this command from an OpenServer shell (see openserver(1)) to execute a UnixWare command in a UnixWare shell environment, or (with no arguments) switch to a UnixWare shell. The command given, if any, must be followed by any required arguments to the UnixWare command.

The unixware command uses chroot(2) to switch back to the UnixWare root file system. It also attempts to restore the shell environment in effect when the last openserver command was executed by the invoking user. If no previous shell environment is available, the following default values are used:

SCOMPAT no value
SHELL /bin/sh
root PATH /sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/etc:/usr/ccs/bin
non-root PATH /usr/bin:/usr/ccs/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/java/bin:.
root PS1 #
non-root PS1 $

 |   SCOMPAT    |                    no value                     |
 |SHELL         | /bin/sh                                         |
 |root PATH     | /sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/etc:/usr/ccs/bin      |
 |non-root PATH | /usr/bin:/usr/ccs/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/java/bin:. |
 |root PS1      | #                                               |
 |non-root PS1  | $                                               |
 |LANG          | C                                               |
 |TZ            | GMT0                                            |


You can also execute a UnixWare command from an OpenServer shell by specifying the full path of the UnixWare command preceded by /unixware. For example, to execute the UnixWare grep command from an OpenServer shell, enter:

Executing UnixWare commands in this manner, however, is done within the current OpenServer shell environment.

See Also

© 2004 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 25 April 2004