
udibuild -- Build UDI driver modules from source files


udibuild options


udibuild builds driver modules from source files. udibuild is typically run from a source file directory, or run by udisetup(1M) to build a source-distributed driver. Invoked with no command-line options, udibuild searches the current directory for a udiprops.txt file and source files, then attempts to build a driver binary using the build rules from udiprops.txt. The resultant binary object modules are placed in the bin/abi subdirectory of the current directory (creating subdirectories as needed) where the name for the current applications binary interface (ABI) is substituted for abi.

The following command-line options are understood:

Specify a debug build.

Display the help message.

Display the full usage information.

Do a dry run of udibuild. Used with the -v option, commands are not executed. Commands are echoed only.

-o dir
Specify an alternate output directory dir. By default, udibuild places one relocatable file in the current directory for each module declaration in the udiprops.txt file.

Specify an optimized build. -O cannot be used with the -D option.

Specify an alternate static properties file.

-T dir
Specify a temporary directory dir for udibuild to use. By default, this directory is /tmp.

Build only objects whose source has changed.

Specify verbose output.

Display the help message.


udimkpkg(1) udisetup(1M)
© 2004 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 25 April 2004