
strings -- find printable strings in an object file or binary


strings [-a] [-o] [-n number |-number] [-t format] filename...


The strings command looks for ASCII strings in a binary file. A string is any sequence of 4 or more printing characters ending with a newline or a null character.

strings is useful for identifying random object files and many other things.

The following options are available:

Look everywhere in the file for strings. If this flag is omitted, strings only looks in the initialized data space of object files.

Precede each string by its offset in the file.

-n number
Use number as the minimum string length rather than 4.

-t format
Precede each string by its byte offset from the start of the file. The byte offset is displayed in the format specified by the single-character format argument: ``d'' for decimal, ``o'' for octal, and ``x'' for hexadecimal.
Options may be delimited by ``--'' where appropriate to avoid ambiguity.

Exit codes

On successful completion strings returns 0. Otherwise a value of >0 is returned.




The algorithm for identifying strings is extremely primitive.

For backwards compatibility, -number can be used in place of -n number. Similarly, the -a and a - option are interchangeable. The - and the -number variations are obsolescent and may be removed in a future release.

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UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 25 April 2004