
rmdir -- remove directories


rmdir [-p] [-s] dirname. . .


rmdir removes the entries for the named directories, which must not be empty.

rmdir has the following options:

This option allows users to remove the directory dirname and its parent directories which become empty. A message is printed on standard error about whether the whole path is removed or part of the path remains for some reason.

This option is used to suppress the message printed on standard error when -p is in effect. If the environment variable POSIX2 is set, this option is on by default (i.e., standard error messages are always suppressed).


language-specific message file (See LANG on environ(5).)

Exit codes

All messages are generally self-explanatory.

It is forbidden to remove the directories . and .. in order to avoid the consequences of inadvertently doing something like the following:

rm -r .*

rmdir returns an exit code of 0 if all the specified directories are removed successfully. Otherwise, they return a non-zero exit code.


rm(1), rmdir(2), unlink(2)


A -- permits the user to mark explicitly the end of any command line options, allowing rmdir to recognize filename arguments that begin with a -. As an aid to BSD migration, rmdir will accept - as a synonym for --. This migration aid may disappear in a future release. If a -- and a - both appear on the same command line, the second will be interpreted as a filename.

This command has been updated to handle files greater than 2GB.

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UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 25 April 2004