
postdmd -- PostScript translator for DMD bitmap files


/usr/lib/lp/postscript/postdmd [options] [files]


postdmd translates DMD bitmap files, as produced by dmdps, or files written in the Ninth Edition bitfile format into PostScript and writes the results on the standard output. If no files are specified, or if ``-'' is one of the input files, the standard input is read. The following options are understood:

-b num
Pack the bitmap in the output file using num byte patterns. A value of 0 turns off all packing of the output file. By default, num is 6.

-c num
Print num copies of each page. By default only one copy is printed.

Flip the sense of the bits in files before printing the bitmaps.

-m num
Magnify each logical page by the factor num. Pages are scaled uniformly about the origin, which by default is located at the center of each page. The default magnification is 1.0.

-n num
Print num logical pages on each piece of paper, where num can be any positive integer. By default num is set to 1.

-o list
Print pages whose numbers are given in the comma-separated list. The list contains single numbers N and ranges N1 - N2. A missing N1 means the lowest numbered page, a missing N2 means the highest.

-p mode
Print files in either portrait or landscape mode. Only the first character of mode is significant. The default mode is portrait.

-x num
Translate the origin num inches along the positive x axis. The default coordinate system has the origin fixed at the center of the page, with positive x to the right and positive y up the page. Positive num moves everything right. The default offset is 0 inches.

-y num
Translate the origin num inches along the positive y axis. Positive num moves everything up the page. The default offset is 0.

Only one bitmap is printed on each logical page, and each of the input files must contain complete descriptions of at least one bitmap. Decreasing the pattern size using the -b option may help throughput on printers with fast processors (such as PS-810s), while increasing the pattern size will often be the right move on older models (such as PS-800s).






An exit status of 0 is returned if files were successfully processed.


download(1), dpost(1), postdaisy(1), postio(1), postmd(1), postprint(1), postreverse(1), posttek(1)
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UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 25 April 2004