
mkdir -- make directories


mkdir [-m mode] [-p] dirname . . .


mkdir creates the specified directories in mode 777 (possibly altered by umask(1)).

Standard entries in a directory, . for the directory itself, and .. for its parent are made automatically. mkdir cannot create these entries by name. Creation of a directory requires write permission in the parent directory.

The owner ID and group ID of the new directories are set to the process's real user ID and group ID, respectively.

The mkdir command has the following options:

-m mode
Use mode for the new directories. Choices for mode can be found in chmod(1).

Create all the non-existing parent directories first.


Create the subdirectory structure ltr/jd/jan:

mkdir -p ltr/jd/jan

Exit codes

mkdir returns exit code 0 if all directories given in the command line were made successfully. Otherwise, it prints a diagnostic and returns non-zero.


language-specific message file (see LANG on environ(5)).


Intro(2), mkdir(2), rm(1), sh(1), umask(1)


Symbolic modes should be used with the -m option, in preference to octal modes, since octal modes may not be supported in future releases.

This command has been updated to handle files greater than 2GB.

© 2004 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 25 April 2004