
cdc -- change the delta comment of an SCCS delta


   cdc -r SID [-m[mrlist]] [-y[comment]] file . . .


cdc changes the delta comment, for the SID (SCCS identification string) specified by the -r keyletter, of each named SCCS file.

The delta comment is the Modification Request (MR) and comment information normally specified via the -m and -y keyletters of the delta command.

If file is a directory, cdc behaves as though each file in the directory were specified as a named file, except that non-SCCS files (last component of the path name does not begin with s.) and unreadable files are silently ignored. If a name of - is given, the standard input is read (see the ``Notices'' section) and each line of the standard input is taken to be the name of an SCCS file to be processed.

Arguments to cdc, which may appear in any order, consist of keyletter arguments and file names.

All the described keyletter arguments apply independently to each named file:

-r SID
Used to specify the SCCS identification (SID) string of a delta for which the delta comment is to be changed.

-m mrlist
If the SCCS file has the v flag set (see admin(1)) then a list of MR numbers to be added and/or deleted in the delta comment of the SID specified by the -r keyletter may be supplied. A null MR list has no effect.

mrlist entries are added to the list of MRs in the same manner as that of delta. In order to delete an MR, precede the MR number with the character ``!'' (see the ``Examples'' section). If the MR to be deleted is currently in the list of MRs, it is removed and changed into a comment line. A list of all deleted MRs is placed in the comment section of the delta comment and preceded by a comment line stating that they were deleted.

If -m is not used and the standard input is a terminal, the prompt MRs? is issued on the standard output before the standard input is read; if the standard input is not a terminal, no prompt is issued. The MRs? prompt always precedes the comments? prompt (see -y keyletter).

mrlist entries in a list are separated by blanks and/or tab characters. An unescaped new-line character terminates the MR list.

Note that if the v flag has a value (see admin(1)), it is taken to be the name of a program (or shell procedure) that validates the correctness of the MR numbers. If a non-zero exit status is returned from the MR number validation program, cdc terminates and the delta comment remains unchanged.

-y [comment]
Arbitrary text used to replace the comment(s) already existing for the delta specified by the -r keyletter. The previous comments are kept and preceded by a comment line stating that they were changed. A null comment has no effect.

If -y is not specified and the standard input is a terminal, the prompt comments? is issued on the standard output before the standard input is read; if the standard input is not a terminal, no prompt is issued. An unescaped new-line character terminates the comment text.

If you made the delta and have the appropriate file permissions, you can change its delta comment. If you own the file and directory you can modify the delta comment.


Add bl88-12345 and bl89-00001 to the MR list, remove bl87-54321 from the MR list, and add the comment ``trouble'' to delta 1.6 of s.file:

cdc -r1.6 -m"bl88-12345 !bl87-54321 bl89-00001" -ytrouble s.file

The following produces the same result:

   cdc -r1.6 s.file
   MRs? !bl87-54321 bl88-12345 bl89-00001
   comments? trouble


(see delta(1))

(see delta(1))


admin(1), delta(1), get(1), help(1), prs(1), sccsfile(4)


Use help for explanations.


If SCCS file names are supplied to the cdc command via the standard input (- on the command line), then the -m and -y keyletters must also be used.
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UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 25 April 2004