Configuring Phindows environment variables

The first time you use Phindows, you should set up the environment variables on your computer.

Phindows uses the following environment variables:

The location of the system-wide phindows.ini file, if any. WINDIR is used if SYSTEMROOT is not set.
Used in conjunction with HOMEPATH to determine the location of the user-specific phindows.ini file.
A delay value in milliseconds. Double buffering will not blit to update the main window more often than this. The default is 5.
If this variable is set, a simple yes/no confirmation prompt is always presented to the user when he or she closes the Phindows window. The default action (i.e. without this variable set) is to present a more complicated prompt only if a new remote Photon session was started during this run. The contents of this variable determine the confirmation prompt text. Related environment variables PHINDOWS_YES_TEXT and PHINDOWS_NO_TEXT can be used to customize the Yes/No button text.