Post-build actions
Select this category to specify one of four predefined post-build actions for your project. For information about these predefined
actions, see Adding a post-build action.
The default dialog for the Post-build actions category.
Field descriptions for the Post-build actions category
Post-build commands
- A list of the commands that occur after a build in the specified order that they appear in the list.
- Add a post-build action. For detailed information about adding a post-build action, see Adding a post-build action.
- Remove a post-build action from the list.
- Change the order by moving the currently selected post-build action up in the list.
- Change the order by moving the currently selected post-build action down in the list.
For Post-build actions, when you select this category and click Add, the Add Post-build actions dialog will display.
The available predefined post-build actions.