Your workspace is automatically upgraded the first time you launch the new IDE. This process is entirely automated and can't
be prevented.
You might receive an error message during this process with the following text:
Could not restore Workbench layout.
Reason: Problems occurred restoring workbench.
This message is caused by internal changes to many of the perspectives commonly used for C/C++ development. You can safely
ignore this error.
To prevent this error from displaying when you load the IDE (and to prevent a similar error when you exit the IDE):
Switch to the IDE workbench, if necessary.
Choose from the menu.
Switch to each of your open perspectives, and repeat step 2.
Note: This error reappears later if you open a perspective that's currently closed, but that had been used at some point in the
older IDE. Use this same process to remove the error message.
Resetting the existing perspectives also gives you full access to all of the new features available in views that were open
in those perspectives.
Note the following:
- By default, the IDE offers to put your workspace in home_directory/ide-4.7-workspace on Linux, and C:\ide-4.7-workspace on Windows (whereas in 6.4.1 it was ide-4.6-workspace, in 6.4.0 it was ide-4.5-workspace, in 6.3.2 it was ide-4-workspace, and earlier the default was workspace), so now there's less chance of accidentally migrating your old workspace.
- When you import existing projects, you now have the option of making a copy of it in your workspace. This is preferable because it leaves the original untouched as a backup. See Importing projects in the Project and Wizard Properties Reference chapter.
Note: Many project options have changed from the QNX Momentics Development Suite version 6.3.x (and earlier) to QNX Momentics Software
Development Platform version 6.4.1. Although the conversion process attempts to maintain configuration options, you should
verify your individual project files to make sure any new settings have been initialized to the values you want.