To add a usage message to your application when using a Standard C/C++
Note: Before running an application, you must prepare your target. If it isn't already
prepared, you must do so now. For information about configuring your target, see the
Preparing Your Target chapter in this
After you build a project, you're ready to run it. The IDE lets you run or debug your
executables on a remote QNX Neutrino target machine. (For a description of remote
targets, see the IDE Concepts chapter.)
To run or debug your program, you must create both of the following:
- a QNX Target System Project, which specifies how the IDE communicates with your
target; once you've created a QNX Target System Project, you can reuse it for
every program that runs on that particular target.
- a launch configuration, which describes how the program runs on your target;
you'll need to set this up only once for that particular program.