To run your Photon program in a remote Photon session window:
- In the remote Photon session, open a command window (e.g. a terminal from the shelf).
- In the command window, enter: echo $PHOTON
The target returns the session, such as
/dev/ph1470499. The number after ph is the
process ID (PID).
- In the IDE, edit the launch configuration for your QNX Photon Appbuilder project.
- Select the Arguments tab.
- In the C/C++ Program Arguments field, enter -s
followed by the value of $PHOTON. For example, enter
-s /dev/ph1470499.
- Click Apply, then Run or
Debug. Your remote Photon program opens in the phindows or
phditto window on your host machine.
Note: If you close and reopen a remote
Photon session, you must update your launch configuration to reflect the new PID of the
new session.